
Percy Jackson Trailer Reveals Ares & Medusa, First Look At Grover’s Satyr Legs As Disney+ Confirms 2023 Release

Percy Jackson Trailer Reveals Ares & Medusa, First Look At Grover’s Satyr Legs As Disney+ Confirms 2023 Release - networth, wiki, biography
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  • The first trailer for Percy Jackson and the Olympians shows a first look at Adam Copeland as Ares and Jessica Parker Kennedy as Medusa, in addition to confirming a Dec. 20, 2023 release date.
  • The trailer also provides the best looks yet at Walker Scobell’s Percy, Leah Jeffries’ Annabeth, and Aryan Simhadri as Grover the Satyr.
  • The magical and mysterious atmosphere of the story and of Camp Half-Blood is also shown off, further hinting at an exciting and faithful adaptation of the Rick Riordan story.

The first trailer for Percy Jackson and the Olympians has been released, showing off a first look at Ares, Medusa, and Grover’s Satyr legs. The Disney Plus show is set to adapt author Rick Riordan’s bestselling book series after it was previously adapted into two movies starring Logan Lerman. The upcoming series features all-new cast, with Walker Scobell as Percy, Leah Jeffries as Annabeth, and Aryan Simhadri as Grover.

Now, Disney Plus has released the first Percy Jackson and the Olympians trailer, providing a closer look at the three new leads and the mythical world of the story. Watch it below:

While unfortunately not a full-length trailer, the clip highlights the impressive Percy Jackson and the Olympians cast, including a proper look at Adam Copeland as Ares and Jessica Parker Kennedy as Medusa. The teaser also reveals that the show will be released on December 20 of this year.

What The Percy Jackson And The Olympians Trailer Reveals About The Show

The latest teaser leaves many aspects of the show shrouded in mystery, but already the series is looking like a far more faithful adaptation of Riordan’s books than the previous films. This is likely because Riordan, a vocal critic of the Percy Jackson movies, serves as co-creator and executive producer of the new Disney Plus series in addition to having written at least one of the episodes.

The new trailer for Percy Jackson and the Olympians does as great job of showcasing the magical and mysterious atmosphere of the story, with the British Columbia filming locations resulting in some beautiful backdrops for the action. The trailer shows Percy, Annabeth, and Grover, for example, walking across a vast green landscape, in addition to showing Camp Half-Blood attendees traversing a suspension bridge high above the trees.

Capturing the essence of Camp Half-Blood as it is described in the books will be a major challenge, but so too will be nailing all the Percy Jackson and the Olympians supporting characters. The trailer only reveals Ares and Medusa, who will surely be important figures, but there are still many more to come, including Zeus (Lance Reddick), Dionysus (Jason Mantzoukas), Hephaestus (Timothy Omundson), Poseidon (Toby Stephens), and Hades (Jay Duplass), among others. While many qeustions remain about Percy Jackson and the Olympians, the first trailer is certainly a positive sign.

Source: Disney Plus

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Links: Percy Jackson Trailer Reveals Ares & Medusa, First Look At Grover’s Satyr Legs As Disney+ Confirms 2023 Release – Tekmonk Bio, Percy Jackson Trailer Reveals Ares & Medusa, First Look At Grover’s Satyr Legs As Disney+ Confirms 2023 Release – Kungfutv, Percy Jackson Trailer Reveals Ares & Medusa, First Look At Grover’s Satyr Legs As Disney+ Confirms 2023 Release – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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