
Pilot son’s heartwarming announcement for flight attendant mom

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A video of a pilot’s special announcement for his flight attendant mom is winning hearts on Instagram. The clip captures the pilot’s joy of being on duty on the same flight as her.

The image shows the pilot son and his flight attendant mom. (Instagram/@united)

United Airlines, where the mother-son duo works, took to their official Instagram page to share the video. “When the person who used to pack your lunch becomes your coworker,” the airline wrote alongside.

The video opens to show the pilot making an announcement before the flight takes off. He is seen talking about the weather and then welcoming the passengers onboard. Then, he goes on to explain how this particular flight is special for him because of his mother, who is a flight attendant. The video ends with him introducing everyone to his mother.

Take a look at this heartwarming video of a pilot son and his mom:

Since being posted some six days ago, the video has gone viral. Till now, it has accumulated close to 1.7 million views and the numbers are quickly increasing. Additionally, the video has received several love-filled comments from people.

How did Instagram users react to this video of a son and his mother?

“This is one of my best friends since childhood, he’s the greatest person and the best pilot you’ll ever have! And his mom is the best,” posted an Instagram user. “Stop, the way this made my eyes water,” shared another. “Flying my parents was a career highlight. Love this so much,” commented a third. “I love these kinds of family stories,” expressed a fourth. “Aww, love this so much. This is just the sweetest!” wrote a fifth.

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Categories: Trending

Links: Pilot son’s heartwarming announcement for flight attendant mom – Tekmonk Bio, Pilot son’s heartwarming announcement for flight attendant mom – Kungfutv, Pilot son’s heartwarming announcement for flight attendant mom – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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