
Pokémon and-Go-event-cancelled-in Italy, Japan, and South Korea

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Gameontwikkelaar Niantic, the Pokémon and GO event as a Nidorino and a Gengar Raid that Day had been canceled in Japan, South Korea, and Italy. In the event the

Gameontwikkelaar Niantic, the Pokémon and GO event as a Nidorino and a Gengar Raid that Day had been canceled in Japan, South Korea, and Italy. In the event the go Pokémon GO-to-players to take to the streets for a special Pokémons to catch it.

the Pokémon will GO to a smartphonegame where the players actually have to be at a location different Pokémons to capture and collect them.

the Nidorino and a Gengar Raid that Day had been scheduled on the 1st of march, in the context of Pokémon, and to this Day it is the celebration of the 24th anniversary of the Pokémon, who on Friday took place. The players receive during the event and the chance to see two versions of the Pokémons Nidorino and a Gengar to catch it. Those Pokémons in the event of a feesthoedje on it.

Niantic does not specifically have the corona virus, the cause of the cancellation, but in the countries, Italy, Japan, and South Korea-wrestling-all the COVID-19-the virus.

It is not clear whether Niantic is planning events in those areas at a later date to move it around. The event is going to be in the Netherlands for now due to.

the Nidorino and a Gengar, Raid, Day has been canceled in Japan, South Korea, and Italy. Please stay tuned to our channel for updates.

AvatarAuteurNianticHelpMoment of plaatsen21:00 pm – February 28, 2020

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Date Of Update: 29 February 2020, 14:00

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Links: Pokémon and-Go-event-cancelled-in Italy, Japan, and South Korea – Tekmonk Bio, Pokémon and-Go-event-cancelled-in Italy, Japan, and South Korea – Kungfutv, Pokémon and-Go-event-cancelled-in Italy, Japan, and South Korea – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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