
Pokémon GO Glitch Causes Ditto To Impersonate a Shiny Drowzee

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a new one Pokemon GO A glitch caused trainers to capture certain shiny Pokémon, which surprisingly were shiny Ditos. Ditto was added to the popular mobile game back in November 2016, but its Shiny variant wasn’t added until February 2021 during the Kanto Tour, where players can capture the rare shape-shifting magic by purchasing special research mission tickets Baby, this will give them a chance to encounter it.

Trainers who were unable to purchase tickets to the Special Research Mission before the Kanto Tour ended initially lost their chance to earn the Shiny Ditto, but earlier this month, players gained more ways to encounter and capture it. Since early September, players have been able to capture Shiny Dittos by completing field research missions for 7 consecutive days, which will guarantee them encounters with Dittos that have a chance of becoming Shiny mutants. Additionally, one of the big changes that Season of Mischief brings is the chance for players to encounter Shiny Dito in the wild, although the chance is very slim.

Reddit user DaRk_ViVi shared their experience with the glitch on the TheSilphRoad subreddit. According to them, they captured a shiny Drowzee, which turned out to be a shiny Ditto. While it’s entirely possible (albeit unlikely) to catch Shiny Pokémon in the wild, the pool of Pokémon that can potentially turn into Shiny Pokémon is not only limited, but doesn’t include any Shiny Pokémon, so DaRk_ViVi’s encounter Definitely a surprising and very likely unexpected malfunction.They added that the catch came from Daily Spawn, which uses Pokemon GOThe incense feature may be the cause of the glitch, as developer Niantic may have neglected to include it in the parameters for encountering Ditto. Another trainer also shared their own experience dealing with an alleged glitch, which involved catching Shiny Teddy Usa from their daily spawn, only to find out that it was Shiny Ditto.

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Until confirmed by developer Niantic, it’s unclear whether getting Shiny Ditto from Shiny Pokémon was an accidental glitch, and whether the theory caused by the daily spawn system is accurate. Since it’s so rare to encounter a Ditto, let alone a Shiny, it’s not surprising that not many people are reporting the potential glitch. However, Niantic may finally confirm and fix the issue soon. The developers previously removed Falinks from three-star raids due to a bug that caused the Pokémon to look distorted.

Surprisingly, the Shiny Pokémon that the trainer just captured suddenly turned into a Shiny Ditto. However, the value of this may vary depending on the rarity of the former, as an initially captured Shiny Pokémon may be more popular than a Shiny Ditto. If this is indeed an unexpected glitch, hopefully Niantic can fix it soon.

Pokemon GO Currently available on iOS and Android.

Source: DaRk_ViVi/Reddit

Links: Pokémon GO Glitch Causes Ditto To Impersonate a Shiny Drowzee – Tekmonk Bio, Pokémon GO Glitch Causes Ditto To Impersonate a Shiny Drowzee – Kungfutv, Pokémon GO Glitch Causes Ditto To Impersonate a Shiny Drowzee – Blogtomoney

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