
Pokemon Go: How To Prepare For Slowpoke Spotlight Hour

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Slowpoke Spotlight Hour is one of the events happening in Pokemon Go. This guide will show players how to prepare for this upcoming event.

Slowpoke Spotlight Hour is happening this June in Pokemon Go. This guide will show players how they can prepare for this event happening in the game. During Spotlight Hours, players will be able to focus on capturing a single Pokemon. Right before the start of every month, Niantic releases the list of every Spotlight Hour happening in the game for the next month. In the case of June, Pokemon like Dwebble, Abra, Slowpoke, Swinub, and Aipom will all have their own Spotlight Hours. It’s fitting that Slowpoke will have its own Spotlight Hour when the “A Very Slow Discovery” event will be taking place a few days beforehand. This guide will show players how they can prepare for the Slowpoke Spotlight Hour.

The Slowpoke Spotlight Hour will take place on June 15th from 6 pm to 7 pm local time. During this time, Slowpoke will have its spawn rate drastically increased and players will be able to earn double the amount of candy for transferring their Pokemon. This is great for players who have been waiting for the perfect time to clear out their Pokemon Storage. Slowpoke is also one of the Pokemon with its Shiny form in the game, giving players another chance to capture a Shiny Slowpoke. This guide will show players how to prepare for this Spotlight Hour.

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How To Prepare For Slowpoke Spotlight Hour in Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go: How To Prepare For Slowpoke Spotlight Hour 1Pokemon Go: How To Prepare For Slowpoke Spotlight Hour 2

Here are a few ways for players to prepare for this Spotlight Hour.

  • Hold Off on Transfering: Stockpile those Pokemon you want to trade-in until the Spotlight Hour. The game will give players double the candy for transferring Pokemon.
  • Shiny Hunting: Slowpoke does have its Shiny form in the game. To increase your chances of finding it, just tap on the Slowpoke on the map and run away when it’s not Shiny. Shiny Odds are not increased like Community Day so it will be extremely challenging to find it.
  • Incense: Use this item to increase the spawn rate of Pokemon in the area. This can help players find a Shiny as well.
  • Star Piece: This item will double the amount of Stardust the player can collect. If you plan to capture a ton of Slowpoke, use this to earn tons of Stardust.
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Swinub will be taking over for the Spotlight Hour of the next week. Galarian Slowpoke will also be available in the game this month as well. It will be interesting to see what other events will happen throughout the month.

Pokemon Go is available now on iOS and Android.

Links: Pokemon Go: How To Prepare For Slowpoke Spotlight Hour – Tekmonk Bio, Pokemon Go: How To Prepare For Slowpoke Spotlight Hour – Kungfutv, Pokemon Go: How To Prepare For Slowpoke Spotlight Hour – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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