
Pokémon GO: Mega Ampharos Raid Guide (Best Counters & Weaknesses)

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During the month of September 2022, Pokémon GO Trainers can assemble to confront the charming yet mighty Mega Ampharos. This Mega evolution form of Mareep boasts CP 43,282 with 9,000 HP. Needless to say, it will undoubtedly take more than three players to down this Mega Raid Boss. Mega Ampharos will receive a Weather Boost during Rainy or Windy weather in Pokémon GO, meaning that the fight can become potentially more challenging than normal. However, this also means that Trainers who manage to defeat and capture the boosted Mega Pokémon will also receive a higher base CP.

Before facing off against Mega Ampharos at a Gym, Pokémon GO Trainers will need to have a good understanding of Mega Ampharos’s elemental weaknesses and resistances. As an Electric- and Dragon-type Raid Boss, Mega Ampharos takes less damage from Flying-, Steel-, Fire-, Water-, Grass-, and Electric-type Moves. On the other hand, Ground-, Ice-, Dragon-, and Fairy are highly effective against this fluffy beast.

According to Pokebattler, the ultimate counters for Mega Ampharos in Pokémon GO are Mega Latios, Shadow Dragonite, Shadow Salamence, Mega Latias, Shadow Latios, and Shadow Mamoswine. Latios variants appear twice in this top-6 list, making it likely the best combatant, even if the Legendary is not in its Mega or Shadow form. Conversely, these Pokémon are incredibly tricky to obtain, which means most casual Trainers will not own them. Luckily, there are more than enough unaltered pocket monsters that can complete this Mega Raid.

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Best Dragon Counters For Mega Ampharos



Best Moveset


  • Fast Move: Dragon Tail
  • Charged Move: Outrage


  • Fast Move: Dragon Tail
  • Charged Move: Dragon Claw


  • Fast Move: Dragon Tail
  • Charged Move: Outrage


  • Fast Move: Dragon Tail
  • Charged Move: Outrage

Alola Exeggutor

  • Fast Move: Dragon Tail
  • Charged Move: Draco Meteor
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Best Ground Counters For Mega Ampharos



Best Moveset


  • Fast Move: Mud-Slap
  • Charged Move: Earthquake


  • Fast Move: Mud-Slap
  • Charged Move: Avalanche


  • Fast Move: Mud-Slap
  • Charged Move: Drill Run
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Best Ice Counters For Mega Ampharos



Best Moveset

Galarian Darmanitan — also an excellent counter for Petilil

  • Fast Move: Ice Fang
  • Charged Move: Avalanche


  • Fast Move: Frost Breath
  • Charged Move: Avalanche


  • Fast Move: Ice Fang
  • Charged Move: Avalanche

Best Fairy Counters For Mega Ampharos



Best Moveset


  • Fast Move: Charm
  • Charged Move: Dazzling Gleam


  • Fast Move: Charm
  • Charged Move: Dazzling Gleam


  • Fast Move: Charm
  • Charged Move: Dazzling Gleam

As Trainers can see by the lists above, Dragon-type pocket monsters are most effective to have in a Mega Ampharos Raid. Therefore, if players do not have any of the mentioned Pokémon, dispatching a Dragon-type team will offer the best Raid results in Pokémon GO.

Source: Pokebattler

  • Pokémon GO: Mega Ampharos Raid Guide (Best Counters & Weaknesses) 1Pokémon GO: Mega Ampharos Raid Guide (Best Counters & Weaknesses) 2 Pokemon GO

    Franchise: Pokemon

    Platform: Android, iOS

    Released: 2016-07-06

    Developer: The Pokemon Company, Nintendo, Niantic

    Publisher: Niantic, Nintendo

    Genre: Augmented Reality, RPG

    Multiplayer: Pokemon

    ESRB: E

Links: Pokémon GO: Mega Ampharos Raid Guide (Best Counters & Weaknesses) – Tekmonk Bio, Pokémon GO: Mega Ampharos Raid Guide (Best Counters & Weaknesses) – Kungfutv, Pokémon GO: Mega Ampharos Raid Guide (Best Counters & Weaknesses) – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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