
Pokémon Legends: Arceus – Rhydon Evolution Guide

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Rhydon can evolve into Rhyperior without trading Pokémon Legends: Arceus. Players need to accumulate merit points and purchase evolution items from the trading post in Jubilee Village to evolve the Iron Armored Dragon. Players need to capture Rhydon or capture and evolve Rhyhorn before completing the evolution Pokémon Legend Arceus. The Rhyhorn can be found early in the game, but players need to travel to Coronet Highlands to find Rhydon.

For players who want to get Rhyperior as quickly as possible, they can do so at Pokémon Legends: ArceusCrimson Swamp, this is the second accessible area. Rhino horns can generate in Podrol Slopes, Diamond Wastes, and Misty Ruins. Later in the game, players can also capture rhino horns at Celestial Trail and Sacred Square in Crown Heights. To evolve Rhyhorn into Rhydon, players need to upgrade it to level 42.

To avoid using the Ironhorn to fight and gather resources to evolve it, players can look for the Ironhorn in Celestial Trail and the sacred plaza in Crown Heights. Once players have Rhydon, they don’t need to worry about leveling up. Instead, Pantyx evolves using protectors, which players can purchase from the Jubilife Village trade outpost. In order to purchase a protector, players need to earn merit points or find it randomly while exploring.

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Merit points can be earned through the lost and found system, which is accessible through the menu.Players need to find lost bags dropped by other knocked down trainers Pokémon Legends: Arceus‘The Emerald Region. When interacting with a lost schoolbag, the contents will automatically be returned to the owner. Players can then access the Lost and Found menu to claim merit points for each lost bag they return.

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To evolve Rhydon, players need to collect a total of 1,400 merit points and purchase the Protector evolution item.When players have enough merit points, they can enter the trading outpost Pokémon Legends: Arceus‘Jubilife Village and buy Protector. Alternatively, the player can try to find the Protector in the Time Warped Zone, but there is no guarantee that they will be found. Once a Rhydon acquires the Protector item, it can evolve into a Rhyperior.

Adding Rhyperior to a team gives players powerful ground-type and rock-type Pokémon to fight in battle Pokémon Legends: Arceus. The Ironclad also has a chance to spawn in the Sacred Plaza in Crown Heights, but it has a lower spawn rate, so it may be easier for players to evolve it from the Ironclad.exist Pokémon Legends: ArceusArmored Dragon is one of several Pokémon that can only evolve using special evolution items from Trade Outposts.

Pokémon Legends: Arceus Available for Nintendo Switch.

Links: Pokémon Legends: Arceus – Rhydon Evolution Guide – Tekmonk Bio, Pokémon Legends: Arceus – Rhydon Evolution Guide – Kungfutv, Pokémon Legends: Arceus – Rhydon Evolution Guide – Blogtomoney

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