
Pokémon Scarlet And Violet: 10 Best New Moves In Battle, Ranked

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Pokémon Scarlet and Violet It’s been a huge success in such a short amount of time, selling an impressive 10 million units in three days during its launch weekend (BUSINESS WIRE).This success can be largely attributed to the exciting new attempts and directions the series has taken for the ninth generation, employing many inspirations from Pokémon Legend Arceus Create a unique new RPG.

Including tons of new moves for various Pokémon to try out and demonstrate their combat prowess, the game also introduces a set of signature moves for brand new Pokémon to enhance their appeal and make them viable options in the competitive space as well. Changed the whole landscape of strategy Pokemon fighting.

10 salt therapy

Salt Cure is a new move introduced in Generation 9 and is the signature move of Naclstack and Garganacl. Salt Healing may not look like much on paper, with a power of only 40, but the long-lasting effects of this move make it a definitely worthwhile move that every Naclstack and Garganacl should stick with.

Salt Healing is 100% accurate and weakens 1/8 of the target’s HP indefinitely each turn, and doubles the damage if the target is a Water-type or Steel-type Pokémon. In the long run, this move will become extremely painful for the target, as they will be playing alongside greats like Toxic and Will-O-Wisp.

9 Lumina Crash

Pokémon Scarlet And Violet: 10 Best New Moves In Battle, Ranked 1

Psychic-type Pokémon are well represented in Generation IX, with one of the most prominent being Espatra. One of its signature moves, the “Lumina Crash,” was learned during evolution and is a must-have for any trainer looking to deal damage and weaken stats at the same time.

Lumina Crash has a powerful power of 80, which leaves a statement on most Pokémon it hits, and as an added bonus, it lowers the target’s special defense stat by two stages, so even those who don’t take damage from Lumina Crash The Pokémon will still take damage and show some level of damage after repeated use.

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8 water steps

Pokémon Scarlet And Violet: 10 Best New Moves In Battle, Ranked 2

Every launch game over the past few generations came with their own special moves, and Fuecoco, Sprigatito, and Quaxly continue that tradition. The Aqua Step is one of them, Quaquaval’s signature move, using his dancing techniques to deal damage and empower himself in battle.

The water step is a physical attack with a power of 80 and an accuracy of 100%, so unless the target’s dodge is extremely high, the water step is likely to be touched. When Kwakwa performs a quick dance to hit a target, each use increases its speed stat, making Kwakwa a dancing bullet that gets faster and faster with each successive attack.

7 expansion power

Pokémon Scarlet And Violet: 10 Best New Moves In Battle, Ranked 3

Charcadet is a special Pokémon introduced in Generation IX – and one of the best new Fire-type Pokémon – that comes in two different forms depending on the player’s version. Those with Crimson can expect to gain Amarugi, and upon reaching level 56, it will learn Expansion Strength as one of its two signature moves, followed by Armored Cannon.

Expanding power is a multi-layered situational action. When using it normally, it targets a single Pokémon with power 80, but if psychic terrain is set on the field, the expansion gets a 1.5x power boost, further amplified by the default 1.3x multiplier that the terrain already grants psychic – Type move. Expanding Power is flexible enough to fit a wide range of strategies, and in Psychic Terrain it can also target two Pokémon in a Dual Battle.

6 flower tricks

Pokémon Scarlet And Violet: 10 Best New Moves In Battle, Ranked 4

Attacks like Swift’s are rare, but Meow Scalada’s signature move, Trick, takes the idea of ​​an unmissable attack and puts a big layer of power behind it, in addition to the fact that the move always guarantees , also gives a power of 70 to receive a critical hit on it.

The trick is a move that can be easily intimidated, especially when it is very effective against the target. As Meow Karada’s signature move, it’s not only a must-have move for trainers who have it in the team, but as a physical attack, it can also pierce through those with low defenses.

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5 Electrical drift

Pokémon Scarlet And Violet: 10 Best New Moves In Battle, Ranked 5

Electric types find themselves getting a lot of love in the ninth generation, but one of the most exciting moves of all that was introduced was electric drifting. This special attack move was Mireton’s pride and joy when he reached level 56, a powerful attack that could even cause fatal damage to those who might resist it.

However, predictably, its most beneficial use is when Electric Drift is used against opponents for which it is super effective. The difference with Electric Drift, however, is that when super effective, the move’s damage output is increased by 30%, so the already doubled damage gets even more of a boost. With 100% power and 100% accuracy, making Electric Drift a vicious move for a Legendary Pokémon. Pokemon scarlet and violet Just existing is intimidating.

4 Glaive Charge

Pokémon Scarlet And Violet: 10 Best New Moves In Battle, Ranked 6

There are a lot of high-risk, high-reward moments in Pokémon that trainers find themselves caught up in when fighting – choosing when to use or not use items, taking chances to attack instead of swapping items, etc. – But “Glaive Rush” is even better. concept and turn it into a brutal attack, best used when confident in wiping out contacted Pokémon.

Sword Charge has a massive power of 120 and 100% accuracy, though any Pokémon that can still stand after the attack gets a little reward as their counterattack won’t miss and deal double the damage on it. Sword dash is risky, but a smart trainer can use the move as a finishing attack, though it’s ill-advised for some of the new Gen 9 goblin types.

3 gigaton hammer

Pokémon Scarlet And Violet: 10 Best New Moves In Battle, Ranked 7

Quite a few of the moves have the word “hammer” in them, and most of them are brutal physical attacks, usually popular in the fighting genre. However, in the ninth generation, a new move “Hundred Thousand Ton Hammer” has been added to the battle as one of the most powerful moves. Pokemon history. In fact, it’s so powerful that it can’t be used twice in a row.

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With a massive power of 160 (and a terrifying 100% activation accuracy), the Gigaton Hammer is a steel-based physics move that smashes targets. As Tinkaton’s signature move, this move works similarly to moves like Hyper Beam, although the user can still attack instead of charging afterward for a strategic follow-up if any Pokémon are still standing afterwards.

2 retribution

Pokémon Scarlet And Violet: 10 Best New Moves In Battle, Ranked 8

It can be daunting as a trainer when an ally’s Pokémon comes under an attack that nearly stuns them, but thankfully, Retribution returns the favor to the opposing Pokémon, hitting them with not only an equally powerful attack, but also passing Boost your attack to increase your attack power. 1.5 times the damage dealt.

Retribution has no fixed power since the move is based on damage taken before using the move, but it has 100% accuracy so the trainer can retaliate multiple times. Retribution sounds similar to a move like Counter, but doesn’t require any special circumstances to be used. This makes it a great safety net against Pokémon that would hit particularly hard anyway, especially when using the new Trasta form-altering type.

1 super drill bit

Pokémon Scarlet And Violet: 10 Best New Moves In Battle, Ranked 9

Features like Protect and Detect have been lifesavers for trainers and the Pokémon who use them. They were solid moves that tended to save the day, but the ninth generation introduced what was effectively the equivalent of the speakers used on the Blue Shell. mario kart: Super drill bit.

With 100 power and 100% accuracy, Hyper Drill can cut right through any defensive move that might miss an attack. As a move, it’s a great alternative to more defensive Pokémon, and trainers can use it to their advantage when they want to break through any defenses.

Links: Pokémon Scarlet And Violet: 10 Best New Moves In Battle, Ranked – Tekmonk Bio, Pokémon Scarlet And Violet: 10 Best New Moves In Battle, Ranked – Kungfutv, Pokémon Scarlet And Violet: 10 Best New Moves In Battle, Ranked – Blogtomoney

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