after the game Pokémon Scarlet & Violet, players will have the chance to rematch fan-favorite gym leader Larry at the Medali Gym. This will be their third battle with Larry, who doubles as a member of the Pardia Elite Four, using flying-type Pokémon. However, Larry returned to his former team of normal-type monsters in his second gym battle with the trainer, showing off the true power of his beloved Pokémon. Gym Leader Larry’s team has improved significantly since his first fight at Medalie, and the trainers will need to invoke the strategies they used in previous fights with the experienced Gym Leader to defeat him again.
After defeating Larry as Gym Leader and member of the Elite Four Pokémon Scarlet & VioletPlayers may not have high hopes for the third battle against the disgruntled average master. However, Larry used the Pokémon and strategies from the previous two fights in the rematch, subtly showing just how much he and his mates have grown as a team. While Larry isn’t entirely confident about fighting Paldia’s newest champion again, Larry has improved a lot as gym leader and his team has grown incredibly strong. To beat him again, players will find it helpful to recall the strengths and weaknesses of the Pokémon Larry used in their first gym matches and league battles.
Gym Leader Larry Team Overview
after gossip about larry’s terrible boss scarlet and purpleThe rematch started with Oinkologne, the lead Pokémon of the Normal type, followed by Braviary, Komala, Dudunsparce, and Staraptor. Instead of implementing a consistent battle strategy, Larry expertly commands each Pokémon, relying on the unique strengths of his team members.
Given the chance to cast super effective moves, his power hitters such as Braviary and Dudunsparce are sure to kill enemies in one hit with devastating attacks like Brave Bird and Drill Run. In addition to powerful moves, players should also be prepared to deal with Larry’s Star Raptor, whose intimidation ability will reduce the opponent’s physical attack power when entering combat, weakening the power of his physical moves.
Pokemon | grade | type | weakness |
Oinkologne | grade. 65 | normal | struggle |
the brave | grade. 65 | normal/flight | electric, rock, ice |
Comala | grade. 65 | normal | struggle |
dudtons pass | grade. 65 | normal | struggle |
Starraptor (Tera-Form) | grade. 66 | normal | struggle |
How to Beat Gym Leader Larry Again
While Gym Leader Larry’s Normal-type team is undeniably strong, it’s surprisingly 4 times weaker than the mighty Fighting-type Pokémon. scarlet and purple, allowing the trainer to effectively sweep his team with just one or two of his own monsters. However, Larry’s team is able to take on some of the most popular combat-type monsters, such as Lucario, Hercules, and Claws, with both flying and ground-type moves.
Because of this, Pokémon like the psychic/fighter-type Gallade and the fight/ghost-type Annihilape would make better choices in this fight, as YouTuber ZoruaGaming attests. Paldea’s fully evolved water/grapple starter, Quaquaval, would also be a great matchup against Larry, as it can use super effective grappling and ice moves.
In addition to dealing a lot of damage with ultra-effective strikes, players will also have useful holding items to use during their rematch with Gym Leader Larry. Some commonly used items include leftovers, which restore health, and seashell bells. Alternatively, players can deal damage to every attack of the Pokémon by equipping the Loki helmet.
Finally, the player can select the band using scarlet and purplea life-saving combat item that boosts the bearer’s attack stats and allows the Pokémon to deal massive amounts of damage with every physical action it lands, leading players to a rematch with Gym Leader Larry victory Pokémon Scarlet & Violet.
Source: ZoruaGaming/YouTube
Links: Pokémon Scarlet & Violet: How to Beat Gym Leader Larry (Rematch) – Tekmonk Bio, Pokémon Scarlet & Violet: How to Beat Gym Leader Larry (Rematch) – Kungfutv, Pokémon Scarlet & Violet: How to Beat Gym Leader Larry (Rematch) – Blogtomoney
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