
Pokemon TCG player slapped by “muscle girls” after not making Worlds day 2 2023

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In this Article, We will know about Pokemon TCG player slapped by “muscle girls” after not making Worlds day 2. Please like and share if You are interested!

A Pokemon TCG player found himself getting slapped by “muscle girls” after not making it to Day 2 of the Pokemon World Championships in Japan.

The 2023 Pokemon World Championships recently took place in Yokohama, Japan, and attendees have been winding down from the event.

As a two-day event, many players didn’t qualify for the second day, which allowed some to spend more time checking out the country.

One player who didn’t make Day 2 of Worlds has gone viral after uploading a video of him getting slapped by “muscle girls” on Twitter.

Pokemon TCG player slapped by “muscle girls”

Posted to his Twitter account on August 16, GregularGuy shared a photo of himself at the “Muscle Girl Cafe” where he was slapped almost a dozen times.

“I made a bet where if I didn’t Day 2 Worlds I was going to get slapped at the Muscle Girl Cafe. Here’s the result,” he said.

In the hours since it was uploaded, GregularGuy’s video has been viewed over 17k times.

He also posted a follow-up video showing that one of the girls will also “honeymoon carry” you away from the area they slapped him at.

“They do more than just hurt you,” GregularGuy added.

Dozens of viewers took to the replies to share their thoughts on the situation as well.

“Does this apply to people who didn’t go to Worlds? Asking for a friend,” one person replied.

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Another said: “They didn’t come to play LMFAO this video killed me LOL.”

“Bro that first girl almost sent you flying,” a third person commented.

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For more news surrounding the recent Pokemon World Championships in Japan, head over to check out our coverage.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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