
Rabobank: 'the Average house in the following year, 25, 000 euros more expensive than it is in 2019'

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in An average b & b will be in 2021, about 25, 000 euros more expensive than it is in 2019, predict economists at Rabobank on Wednesday, in an analysis of the h

in An average b & b will be in 2021, about 25, 000 euros more expensive than it is in 2019, predict economists at Rabobank on Wednesday, in an analysis of the housing market.

now, The economists believe that the rise in the price of houses over the next few years will level off. However, this will not take place quickly, as there are still a few houses, and the interest rate is low and seems to continue to be.

now, The economists predict, therefore, that this year, for an average price increase of 5.5 percent, and in 2021, an increase of 2.5 per cent. Translated, this means an increase of at least 25,000 euros in two years ‘ time.

“It’s a low supply of houses creates an upward pressure on prices, as the number of households in the coming years will continue to grow, and the demand for homes is still huge,” says they are born Into it Spiegelaar.

the Decline in new construction will soon be reflected in the sales figures,

“It’s a large shortage in housing and a decline in new building will, in our opinion, the effects to draw in the sales. Fewer new homes means that there are less and less homeowners to relocate their homes to be put up for sale.”

Rabobank expects that in the future prijsgroei may be due to a lower interest rate, and income growth. With rising labour wages will be to potential home buyers to take a loan.

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“It is expected that they have to be crossed if the economy faster, slowing than it is now with” about Spiegelaar. “In addition, we expect that the unemployment rate in the coming years, and slightly injured. This does not affect only the incomes of households and, therefore, their debt to it, but you can also use their koopbereidheid put down.”

Date Of Update: 19 February 2020, 10:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Rabobank: 'the Average house in the following year, 25, 000 euros more expensive than it is in 2019' – Tekmonk Bio, Rabobank: 'the Average house in the following year, 25, 000 euros more expensive than it is in 2019' – Kungfutv, Rabobank: 'the Average house in the following year, 25, 000 euros more expensive than it is in 2019' – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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