
Raghav Chaddha Wikipedia, Net Worth, Wife, Family, Age, Parents, Education, Father

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Raghav Chadha is an Indian politician of the Aam Aadmi Party.

Raghav Chadha Biography: Birth, Age, Family, Education, Career, Net Worth, and More

Raghav Chadha Biography

Raghav Chadha has been the youngest member of Parliament in the Rajya Sabha representing the state of Punjab since May 2022. He also served as the former Vice Chairman of the Delhi Jal Board and as an MLA representing the Rajendra Nagar constituency in Delhi until 2022. Looking back at his initial journey, during the India Against Corruption movement in 2011, Chadha actively participated and interacted with Arvind Kejriwal. The following year, he was assigned his first political task, which involved drafting the Delhi Lokpal Bill. Subsequently, Chadha gained popularity by becoming the face of AAP on television.

Impressively, at the age of 26, Raghav Chadha was appointed as the AAP’s national treasurer, coinciding with the party’s victory in the 2015 assembly election, where they received the highest number of votes. In addition to politics, Chadha is a practicing chartered accountant. As for his personal life, Raghav Chadha was born on November 11, 1988, to Sunil Chadha and Alka Chadha in New Delhi. Before entering politics, he worked with accounting firms such as Deloitte, Shyam Malpani, and Grant Thornton.

Full NameRaghav Chadha
Date of Birth11 Nov 1988 (Age 34)
Place of BirthDelhi, India
Party nameAam Aadmi Party
ProfessionChartered Accountant and Politician
Father’s NameSunil Chadha
Mother’s NameAlka Chadha
Permanent addressNA
Contact numberNA
Social Handles

Raghav Chaddha Wikipedia, net worth, wife, family, age, parents, education, father – Indian politician and Certified Public Accountant Raghav Chadha. He belongs to the Aam Aadmi Party and is considered to be the party’s newest spokesman. On November 11, 1988, a Friday, Raghav Chadha was born in Delhi. He will be 34 years old in 2022. His sun sign is Scorpio. He attended Barakhamba Road Modern School in New Delhi for his education.

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Raghav Chaddha Wikipedia, Net Worth, Wife, Family, Age, Parents, Education, Father 1Raghav Chaddha Wikipedia Net Worth Wife Age Family Parents Education Father

Biology Raghav Chadha

NameRaghav Chadha
Year old34 years old
Date of birthNovember 11, 1988
Zodiac signUnknown
place of birthDeli

Raghav Chaddha Wikipedia Net Worth Wife Age Family Parents Education Father

Physical statistics Raghav Chaddha

Height5 feet 9 inches
Weight75 kg Approx
Eye colorBlack
Hair colorBlack
Shoe SizeUnknown

Raghav Chaddha Wikipedia Net Worth Wife Age Family Parents Education Father

Education level of Raghav Chaddha

SchoolModern School Barakhamba Road, New Delhi
College or university?London School of Economics
academic levelGraduated

Raghav Chaddha Wikipedia Net Worth Wife Age Family Parents Education Father

Raghav Chaddha’s family

DadSunil Chadha
MomAlka Chaddha
childrenBoy: Unknown Girl: Unknown

Raghav Chaddha Wikipedia Net Worth Wife Age Family Parents Education Father

Raghav Chaddha’s marital status

Marital statusEngagement
Name of life partnerParineeti Chopra

Raghav Chaddha Wikipedia Net Worth Wife Age Family Parents Education Father

Raghav Chaddha Collection and Net Worth

Net worth in dollars1 million

Raghav Chaddha Wikipedia Net Worth Wife Age Family Parents Education Father

Raghav Chaddha Social media accounts

InstagramClick here
FacebookClick here
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Raghav Chaddha Wikipedia Net Worth Wife Age Family Parents Education Father

Raghav Chaddha’s career

In 2012, he joined the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). He quickly rose to the position of treasurer in the AAP, and in 2016 was selected as an advisor to Manish Sisodia, the Deputy Minister of Delhi.

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He was assigned the responsibility of assisting Sisodia in preparing the 2016–17 budget. in return for a monthly payment of Rs. 1. In Lok Sabha Elections 2018 he ran from South Delhi Parliamentary Constituency. Ramesh Bidhuri, the BJP candidate, beat him in the polls. He contested for the Rajinder Nagar seat in the 2020 Delhi Parliament elections in February and defeated BJP candidate RP Singh.

Controversy Raghav Chaddha

Shriners Hospitals for Children offers patients and families a variety of support services beyond hospital medical care. This can include things like support groups, social work services, and transportation assistance.

The outstanding care children receive at Shriners Children’s Hospital is well known. In addition to being named one of the best children’s hospitals by US News & World Report and a Magnet hospital by the American Center for Nurse Credentials, these facilities have won several awards and accolades from Vijay Nair, one of the defendants in the case, and other officials of the Punjab Tax Department. , as well as Punjab Tax Commissioner Varun Roojam

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Categories: Biography

Links: Raghav Chaddha Wikipedia, Net Worth, Wife, Family, Age, Parents, Education, Father – Tekmonk Bio, Raghav Chaddha Wikipedia, Net Worth, Wife, Family, Age, Parents, Education, Father – Kungfutv, Raghav Chaddha Wikipedia, Net Worth, Wife, Family, Age, Parents, Education, Father – Blogtomoney

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