
Rajeev Samant Wiki, Bio, Age, Career, Education, Family, Net Worth And More

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Rajeev Samant Wiki:- The largest winery in India was founded by Rajeev Suresh Samant, who also serves as its CEO. Rajeev opted to live in the countryside after spending a year travelling the world by backpack. He began cultivating mangoes, roses, teak wood, and table grapes on a 20-acre tract of land owned by his family in Nashik. He had a lightbulb moment in 1996 when he realised Nashik had the ideal climate for growing wine grapes. His resolve increased when he visited California and met renowned winemaker Kerry Damskey, who excitedly agreed to support him in starting a winery.

Rajeev Samant wiki

Rajeev Samant Wiki

With a 65% market share, Sula Vineyards is currently India’s top wine producer. They built facilities like a tasting room and at their winery in 2005, making them pioneers of Indian wine as well. Red, White, Rose, Sparkling, and Dessert wines are all product categories in which Sula is the only Indian wine firm to be active.


Rajeev was raised in a Marathi family and was born in Mumbai. Rajeev graduated from Stanford University with a bachelor’s degree in economics and a master’s degree in engineering management. He eventually became one of the youngest managers at Oracle Corporation. But after a few years, he decided to leave and head back to India to launch his own business.

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In addition to becoming the first to plant wine grapes in this region in 1997, the pair also pioneered the planting of previously unplanted varieties including French Sauvignon Blanc and Californian Chenin Blanc in India. Sula Vineyards was founded in 1998, and its first wines were introduced in 2000.

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Rajeev Samant Wiki, Bio, Age, Career, Education, Family, Net Worth And More 1Rajeev Samant Wiki, Bio, Age, Career, Education, Family, Net Worth And More 2Rajeev Samant career

On Marriage

Rajeev married to her Russian girlfriend Margarita Andronova. I really like it. I took my time and married at age 49. But I’m glad I held off. We’re tremendously in love, having a terrific time, and a little bundle of joy is now on the way.

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Rajeev Samant Wiki, Bio, Age, Career, Education, Family, Net Worth And More 3Rajeev Samant Wiki, Bio, Age, Career, Education, Family, Net Worth And More 4rajeev samant wife

About Kids

Being a more experienced, prosperous, and established father gives you the opportunity to spend a great deal more time with your child. I’m taking several months off to be with my child as much as I can. New chapter has begun.

Net Worth

The estimated net worth of Rajeev is between $3 and $5 million.


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Categories: Biography

Links: Rajeev Samant Wiki, Bio, Age, Career, Education, Family, Net Worth And More – Tekmonk Bio, Rajeev Samant Wiki, Bio, Age, Career, Education, Family, Net Worth And More – Kungfutv, Rajeev Samant Wiki, Bio, Age, Career, Education, Family, Net Worth And More – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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