
Rats tries entering kitchen from sink, video makes people say ‘Nope’

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A scary moment when a rat came out from a sink drain was captured on camera. Since being posted on Instagram, a video of the incident has prompted people to post varied reactions – with many saying how the video has left them scared.

The image shows a rat peeping from a drain pipe. (Screengrab)

The clip is posted on an Instagram page called Animals Doing Things that is filled with varied animal-related videos, just like the clip of the rat. The page shared the video of the rat with a caption that reads, “Tell him ‘Hi’ back”.

The clip opens to show a person working in front of an empty sink. Suddenly, the filter placed in the middle of the sinks starts moving, and soon a rat crawls out.

Take a look at this video of a rat coming out of a sink drain:

The video was posted seven days ago. Since being shared, it has gathered close to 6.5 lakh views, and the numbers are only increasing. Additionally, the share has collected more than 15,000 likes. People have posted varied comments while reacting to the video.

What did Instagram users say about this video of the rat?

“Ratatouille reporting for his shift,” joked a Reddit user, referencing an animated movie about a rat that becomes a famous chef from being a drain-dwelling rodent. “Most people would probably freak out if this happened to them, meanwhile I’d have fresh fruit already cut up for him and a soft teensy blanket knitted for him,” shared another. “NOPE,” posted a third. “Oh, hell no!” added a fourth. “No, this is nasty. Sorry,” wrote a fifth. How would you react to such a situation?

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Categories: Trending

Links: Rats tries entering kitchen from sink, video makes people say ‘Nope’ – Tekmonk Bio, Rats tries entering kitchen from sink, video makes people say ‘Nope’ – Kungfutv, Rats tries entering kitchen from sink, video makes people say ‘Nope’ – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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