
Real life Hollyoaks couple in shock split after whirlwind romance and meeting her famous dad

Real life Hollyoaks couple in shock split after whirlwind romance and meeting her famous dad - networth, wiki, biography
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HOLLYOAKS star Owen Warner has called time on his whirlwind romance with Jemma Donovan.

The couple only went public in June after meeting and falling for each other on the soap as their characters started dating.


Owen Warner and Jemma Donovan have splitReal life Hollyoaks couple in shock split after whirlwind romance and meeting her famous dad 1Real life Hollyoaks couple in shock split after whirlwind romance and meeting her famous dad 2


The couple went public back in JuneCredit: Rex

But things have sizzled out, with a source saying: “They had great fun together, but long term they decided it’s better to just be friends.

“They are both super professional so it won’t change anything at work.”

Owen, who plays Romeo Nightingale and Jemma, who stars as Rayne Royce, were first linked in April of this year and it wasn’t long until the I’m A Celeb star met her famous dad – Jason.

Speaking about their romance earlier this year, Owen told The Sun:  “Jemma kept messaging me and messaging and asking me to go on dates and then I just gave in.

“Ahhh seriously though it took me a while to pluck up the courage to ask her out.

“I’ve just been on holiday with her family they are all amazing.”

The couple holidayed in Italy with Jemma’s family – including famous father Jason Donovan – they then headed to Morocco on their own for another trip.

Jemma joined Hollyoaks in October last year, and her character Rayne is in a relationship with Owen’s character Romeo.

However things have turned sour on screen as Rayne has started to alienate Romeo from his friends and family.

The Sun has contacted Owen’s rep for comment.

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Their characters Romeo and Rayne have been dating

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Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Real life Hollyoaks couple in shock split after whirlwind romance and meeting her famous dad – Tekmonk Bio, Real life Hollyoaks couple in shock split after whirlwind romance and meeting her famous dad – Kungfutv, Real life Hollyoaks couple in shock split after whirlwind romance and meeting her famous dad – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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