
Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Horse Memes That Are Too Funny

Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Horse Memes That Are Too Funny - networth, wiki, biography
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Rockstar do take their horses seriously Red Dead Redemption 2, emphasizing not only how real they are compared to other video game horses, but also how important the player’s relationship with their trusted steed is. In fact, these horses are a cut above any other equestrian competition.

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However, any good game will have some flaws, either bug-related or completely natural occurrences. Players with a sense of humor about them decided to make some memes about their beloved steeds. Here are ten of the funniest things from /r/reddeadredemption.

The multi-horse resurrector later…

Players inevitably develop a maniacal attachment to their horses, and, given all the money they can earn in the game, it makes sense that they end up spending all of it on horse resurrectors. The world of New Hanover can be a dangerous place for ponies, so be prepared at all times.

However, as this meme shows, some players can go a little too far. At some point, they have to ask themselves if it’s really worth putting a horse through such stress.

blue dead redemption

Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Horse Memes That Are Too Funny 1

one of the reasons is Pokemon What makes the franchise sell so well is getting players into a “must catch them all” mentality by making them buy two co-op games within a generation to catch every creature available.

Sounds hilarious, do the same with horses red undead It can be very annoying. As this meme suggests, there will be players trading Arabian horses and Missouri foxtrots left and right, and it will be utterly chaotic.

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clumsy sojourner

Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Horse Memes That Are Too Funny 2

The horse artificial intelligence is a bit of a mystery in the game.It seems that the game’s horses oscillate between utter realism and utter hilarity, as seen in games such as shadow of giant and breath of the wild.

in the case of red undead, horses are just as confusing, if not more so. They will jump on random objects without being told. However, when they try to travel through the forest while hunting, they trip and send their riders flying over the most innocuous things. Sometimes, they even do this to other animals. This meme might be exaggerating things a bit, but it highlights a strange inconsistency when riding a horse in the game.

hoarding of horses

Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Horse Memes That Are Too Funny 3

With so many beautiful ponies in the game, players are tempted to collect the best they can find and keep for themselves. More often than not, however, they only end up riding one or two horses as lead horses, while the rest sit forever in the stables.

Since players are human, they end up anthropomorphizing their mounts, which can lead to feelings of guilt. As this meme illustrates, players may feel like their horse is squinting as it comes and goes, longing for the chance to get its own blanket, just like the owner. Ah well – maybe one day, man.

my eyes!

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games like this Red Dead Redemption 2 Requires a certain amount of computing power to function properly, resulting in very realistic graphics that make players feel as if they are living in a photo. Unfortunately, the game is also able to reproduce all the imperfections of the real world, such as blindingly bright snow scenes.

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The Grizzlies, in particular, could be a challenge.Although they are one of the best regions red undead, all snow constantly reflecting light from every bright surface, including the coveted white Arabian cats that live there. Pro tip: go horseback riding at night!

elite equine

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When the game first launched, players flocked to the internet so they could maximize their experience by using the best horses available. Since the white Arabian horse is available from the beginning of the game, many players go to great lengths to find it so they can ditch the slow old horse for the equivalent of a sports car.

But where is its soul? With so many horses in the game, each with their own quirks, sizes, and talents, players would be remiss if they didn’t give them a chance and head straight to the sports car.


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In most cases, the horse red undead While pretty tough, there are things that make every horse lose their cool from time to time. The biggest repeat offender is of course the snake, which will appear out of the blue and cause the player’s horse to panic instantly.

Some horses take it better than others, but almost every horse needs a good pat on the back after these slippery encounters. A good horse parent might even go the extra mile to hunt down snakes, just for better measure.

wrong zoom type

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Veteran webcomic artist Awkward Zombie always manages to get his point across with a few images, and here, the gist is clear: the magnification mechanism red undead It’s one of many pointless things in the game.

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While players can certainly go into first-person mode to get a closer look at things, some players get sick of doing so and find that simply pointing the gun at an object allows them to see better. This certainly works, but they have to make sure the trigger points don’t itch when they do it.

Secret Saddle Bag

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Often, game worlds are tailored to the player’s comfort and innocence so that they don’t surprise them in ways they couldn’t have anticipated. In contrast, red undead Instead of throwing punches, let the horse do all the punching, or rather, kicking.

When a gang hideout is cleared, players might think they’re safe to loot. However, if they approached a saddled horse without petting them before looting, they would be trampled in the face by a swift hoof. Sometimes, these hooves are enough to knock players out, so it’s best for them to get acquainted first.


Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Horse Memes That Are Too Funny 9

Amidst beautiful camaraderie, many players leave their red undead Experience a new love and appreciation for horses. However, some may go a step further and express this love through intimate knowledge of each horse in the race.

This is understandable, since the game has some pretty cool breeds for players to meet and adventure. Remember, everyone loves the game’s horses in their own special way, so don’t be a villain like Arthur here.

Links: Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Horse Memes That Are Too Funny – Tekmonk Bio, Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Horse Memes That Are Too Funny – Kungfutv, Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Horse Memes That Are Too Funny – Blogtomoney

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