
Red Utley Bio, Big Brother 25, Age, Wife, Job, Parents

Red Utley Bio, Big Brother 25, Age, Wife, Job, Parents - networth, wiki, biography
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Red Utley didn’t consider himself a superfan of the Big Brother franchise. Although still a big fan, Red joined fellow houseguests on the show’s 25th edition for a chance to win $750K.

This “Red Utley Bio” looks into the Big Brother houseguest’s age, marital status, occupation, and many other details.

Red Utley On Big Brother 25

Growing up, Red and his family watched Big Brother religiously. No wonder, he couldn’t contain his happiness when asked about the experience of being on the show. To, he said, “It’s something you watch on TV, and you can sit down and you can holler this and holler out about what you’re going to do.”

Beyond the financial incentive, Red chose to be on the show to prove to himself that he can do challenging things. “I mean, it isn’t just some TV show, Big Brother is mentally and physically very, very challenging. And for me, just to put myself through that test, to show for even myself, not just my kids, that I can do it, is something big for me,” Red told

Red’s strategy going into the Big Brother house was simple — develop a strategy as he goes further into the competition. According to him, one can’t do anything to prepare for what the show was going to throw at them. Red insisted he was preparing himself to adapt.

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In the same interview, Red opened up about his hesitation to not reveal his profession to fellow houseguests. Besides his occupation, he also had plans to hide his age from them.

Red Utley Age

Red Utley turned 37 years old in 2022. Per numerous online outlets, he was born in 1985.

Who Are Red Utley Parents?

Red’s parents had named him Michael Joseph Utley. Other than that, not much is known about his father and mother.

Opening up about his family’s history with Big Brother, Red once shared, “I watched it when it first come out and I watched it pretty religiously with my family because back then you didn’t have TiVo or anything like that. When it comes on, the family gathered around, you pop the popcorn, Big Brother and Survivor was what’s gonna be on TV.”

Red Utley Wife

Big Brother star Red Utley is in a relationship with Alleymae Davis. However, it is unclear if she is his wife.

Alleymae and Red have been in a relationship since April 1, 2021. In 2022, the couple welcomed a child.

Red and his partner Alleymae Davis

Alleymae is the daughter of John Gilliam and Kim Davis. She has a brother named Blaine Gilliam and Mikayla Miller. Meanwhile, Dustin Lineberry and Christine Ellieona Webb are his step-siblings.

Moreover, Alleymae is a native of Hillsville, Virginia. A graduate of Carroll County High School – Hillsville, VA, she has worked for Virginia Produce Company, Inc and BlueRidge Design.

Before Red, Alleymae was in a romantic relationship with Jeremiah Mollett.

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Besides his child with Alleymae, Red reportedly has a daughter named Larken Utley.

Red Utley Job

Red Utley’s Big Brother intro introduces himself as someone who works in sales.

An army veteran, Red is also a moonshiner. Back in 2021, when the Tennessee Shine Company revealed New Moonshine History Tour, he helped build the attraction. He did so alongside Mike Cockrell — the star of Discovery’s Moonshiners.

Red is now a social media star — TikTok star, to be more precise. His handle on the platform, @lucky_red85, enjoys around 591.4K followers by Aug 2023.

Interestingly, Red doesn’t seem to have a profile on LinkedIn.

How Tall Is Red Utley?

Big Brother star Red Utley should measure around 5’11” tall.

Undoubtedly, Red’s signature long red beard has to be his distinct feature. His name, most likely given to him by his loved ones, even comes from his signature red beard. His charming “Red-isms” is equally noticeable.

Related FAQs

  • When Is Red Utley Birthday?

September is Red Utley’s birthday month — meaning, he’s either a Virgo or a Libra.

  • Where Is Red Utley From?

Red, per his Big Brother bio, is a native of Gatlinburg, TN. In contrast, his Facebook mentions Cynthiana, Kentucky as his hometown and Cosby, Tennessee as his current city.

  • Is Red Utley On Instagram And Facebook?

Available on Instagram @red_utley, Red comes off as a newbie on the platform. However, upon a deeper search, one can find a handle @smokyredbeard whose first post dates back to 2017.

Red also has a profile on Facebook @michael.utley.58 that he shares with Alleymae.

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Categories: Biography

Links: Red Utley Bio, Big Brother 25, Age, Wife, Job, Parents – Tekmonk Bio, Red Utley Bio, Big Brother 25, Age, Wife, Job, Parents – Kungfutv, Red Utley Bio, Big Brother 25, Age, Wife, Job, Parents – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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