
Reebok Pump Omni Zone “Wheat” sneakers: Where to get, price, and more details explored

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Reebok is bringing back its retro Pump Omni Zone II in a “wheat” colorway. This sneaker will be in the same classic model with the modern color-blocking twist and the advanced technology infusion with timeless design.

Being one of the most highly appreciated sneaker lines from Reebok, this colorway has pump facilities that entice the sneakerheads. The midfoot cage and the Chalk white infusion with Jet-black tinctures enhance the appealing features of the shoe. The sneakerheads love the shoe model because of its unique timeless design, the technologies that make it easily adjustable for any foot, and the cushy experience.

The sneaker is slated to hit the market in 2023 with a price tag of $165. However, further details on the sneaker are yet to come.

Reebok Pump Omni Zone is slated to hit the shelves in the “Wheat” colorway

The NBA player Dee Brown raised his pumps during the NBA Slam Dunk Contest in 1991, which marked the beginning of the Reebok pump omni zone II’s colorful history. However, the pump technology came before releasing the Omni Zone II.

Around 1988, when Nike Air Jordan was doing good with their air technology, this Boston-based sneaker company felt the need for something innovative. To make more cushioned soles, Reebok put all their efforts to bring a new model to the customer and the inflatable bag infusion to a sneaker sole was the answer.

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However, it did not do well as the structure could not satisfy the sneakerheads. With another talented designer, Paul Brown, the brand brought out its new launch Reebok pump. The initial price was set at $170 which was enough expensive back then but its huge sale seemed the sneaker was price worthy. However, the Omni Zone II came one year later, which was a collaboration with Dee Brown, an NBA dunker in 1991.

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Details on Reebok Pump Omni Zone II “Wheat” colorway

The rubber outer sole has got some panel interruptions for better grip and support whereas the midsole in chalk white accent has the mesh layer. The cage structure supporting the mid-foot area is supported by a number of leather and mesh panels on the upper.

The ankle area and cage structure in wheat hue perfectly sit on the white pump sole. The tongue has several appealing adornments that carry the signature of Omni Area II. The pump logo with the basketball embellishment on the tongue has an enticing appearance. The toe case has a perforation appearance for better breathability and the branding can be seen on the lateral walls and heel tab. Moreover, the insole keeps another branding.

Whether it is the pump technology or its timeless design, this sneaker’s fanbase has grown because of its adjustable size facility. People with slender feet can don the shoe by fixing the tongue area. Aiming to serve the basketball hardwood, these shoes have the EVA-infused midsole, providing support during the intense practice session.

The Boston-based brand has not released updates on its publish date or availability, these will be available for $165.

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Links: Reebok Pump Omni Zone “Wheat” sneakers: Where to get, price, and more details explored – Tekmonk Bio, Reebok Pump Omni Zone “Wheat” sneakers: Where to get, price, and more details explored – Kungfutv, Reebok Pump Omni Zone “Wheat” sneakers: Where to get, price, and more details explored – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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