
Reilly Smedley Bio, Boyfriend, Parents, Height, Big Brother

Reilly Smedley Bio, Boyfriend, Parents, Height, Big Brother - networth, wiki, biography
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With the goal of winning $750K, Reilly Smedley joined the cast of the 25th season of Big Brother 25. However, she wasn’t the only one. 15 others had followed her suit.

Here, we discuss Reilly’s boyfriend, parents, height, and other exclusive details!

Reilly Smedley On Big Brother 25

An elated Reilly couldn’t hide her excitement when she spoke to about being on the show. “I can’t even believe I’m here in general. Like, this isn’t real life. I keep pinching myself and I’m not waking up. So I’m assuming this is real. I’m super excited to be here. I’m honored that I was chosen to do this,” she said.

Asked why she was on Big Brother 25, Reilly claimed to bring a flavor that is not common to the franchise. Describing herself as a natural-born spaz, she believes she should have a TV show dedicated to her.

Talking about her strategy for the season, Reilly insisted on embracing her situational awareness and keeping her head on a swivel. She also doesn’t believe in making a plan. Adopting and not floating are her two key strategies on the show.

Moreover, Reilly doesn’t believe she can hold a secret. On Big Brother, she had plans to act like an open book. She seemed equally nervous about being in a house full of strangers. In her words, “I think it’s just all brand new. This is a totally crazy once-in-a-lifetime type of situation where you’re just kind of planted in this isolated house with random strangers and you just have to figure it out. And so that’s one of those things that’s super uncomfortable.”

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Surprising everyone, Reilly became the inaugural HOH of Big Brother 25. As a result, she received safety and HOH bedroom.

Reilly Smedley Boyfriend

Reilly Smedley keeps mum about her dating life and relationship history. With her Instagram set to private, nobody has gained an insight into her boyfriend or potential romantic partners. On the same platform, she writes to be “Ollie + Gibby’s mother.”

How Old Is Reilly Smedley?

As of August 2024, Reilly Smedley was 24 years old. 1999 is the year she was born.

On her 21st birthday, Reilly’s sister, Chloe wished her, “Happy ⭐️21st⭐️ birthday to this chicky! Wish I could be there to celebrate! I love you stinky bum 💛🍾”

Reilly Smedley Height

At 5’9” height, Reilly Smedley is taller than most houseguests on Big Brother Season 25.

Reilly’s stature also assisted her basketball career at Maine Maritime Academy. In the 2017/18 season, she appeared in 6 games, averaged 10.3 minutes per game, and tallied 13 rebounds and 10 assists. The following season, she appeared in 19 games, averaging 5.5 minutes per game.

At Maine Maritime Academy, Reilly was also a member of its Lacrosse team.

According to Reilly, she attended Maine Maritime Academy for its excellent academic reputation and athletic opportunities. The bartender-turned-reality star graduated from the same in 2021 with an undergrad degree in International Business and Logistics.

Who Are Reilly Smedley Parents?

Reilly Smedley is one of the three daughters born to Epping, NH residents Jane Kelly (born. Sep 1965) and Howard Smedley.

Howard, unfortunately, is no more. After 2 year battle with cancer (S.N.U.C.), he passed away in 2013.

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Born in Nottingham, England to James and Jean Smedley, Reilly grew up alongside 2 sisters Jill and Pamela. To this day, Pamela still resides in their hometown, Nottingham, United Kingdom.

Besides being a Principal Solutions Engineer at Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Howard was a brilliant songwriter, singer, and artist. He performed regular gigs at the Old Salt, who organized a special event celebrating his life after his death.

Howard was survived by Jane and 2 other daughters (not including Reilly). They are Chloe and Allison Smedley.

Allison (now Howe) is a married woman. A mother of 3 kids, she owns the Happy Place Play and Happy Place Photography in Windham, New Hampshire. For 4 years, she was a cheerleader for New England Patriots. What’s more, Allison attended Southern New Hampshire University.

Like Allison, Chloe is also a mother. She welcomed a daughter named Cora Elaine Effert in 2023. A VIP Hospitality Associate at DraftKings, Chloe is a current resident of Newport, North Carolina. She had attended Maine Maritime Academy and York High School. At the former, she studied International Business & Logistics.

Reilly Smedley Job

According to Reilly’s Big Brother bio, she works as a bartender in Nashville, TN to make a living. A quick research suggested her current employee is Dierks Whiskey Row Nashville — “AN AMERICAN GASTROPUB UNLIKE ANY OTHER.”

Reilly’s LinkedIn states that she began working for Kennebunkport, Maine-loacted Fiafia LLC in May 2020. For 4 months, she also served as a Procurement Specialist at Abbott.

Starting from May 2019 until August 2020, Reilly was first Procurement Agent Intern and then Material Management Intern at  Kiewit.

Related FAQs

  • Where Is Reilly Smedley From?

Big Brother fan favorite Reilly Smedley currently resides in Nashville, TN. Portland, ME, meanwhile, is her hometown.

  • Is Reilly Smedley On Instagram And Facebook?

Yes, and No. Reilly Smedley doesn’t appear to be a fan of Facebook. Meanwhile, her Instagram @reillysmedley is only visible to a selected few.

  • When Is Reilly Smedley Birthday?

Reilly Smedley, from Big Brother Season 25, receives birthday messages on 1st August.

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Categories: Biography

Links: Reilly Smedley Bio, Boyfriend, Parents, Height, Big Brother – Tekmonk Bio, Reilly Smedley Bio, Boyfriend, Parents, Height, Big Brother – Kungfutv, Reilly Smedley Bio, Boyfriend, Parents, Height, Big Brother – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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