
[River Everett Girlfriend] Megan Montenegro Bio, Age, IG

[River Everett Girlfriend] Megan Montenegro Bio, Age, IG - networth, wiki, biography
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River Everett is ready to introduce his new girlfriend to his family, and he introduced his girlfriend with social media posts to his fans. The love-lady of the River is Megan Montenegro, a Kentucky native. Based on our research, we came to find out that Megan has a husband/ex-husband, a son, and is in the military.

Learn more about her with this Megan Montenegro Bio.

Meet Megan Montenegro, River Everett’s Girlfriend

Megan Montenegro is the girlfriend of River Knight Everett from The Family Chantel. In the preview of the show, he admitted to his mother Karen that he was seeing someone. However, he admitted that he was far from ready to introduce her to his family.

For further introduction, River took to his Instagram to introduce his girlfriend. He captioned the post, “‘I hope you see what I see when you look in the mirror’🤞🏽Song: Kentucky Vibes by Riverknight ✈️.”

But, based on our research it appears that Megan Montenegros previously married to someone else. According to a Facebook post by Renee Taylor, Megan was married to Carlos Montenegro. The then-married couple welcomed a baby boy named Camden Rey Montenegro.

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In the 2014 post of @Blue_eyed_imaging, Carlos commented to his wife’s picture, “My wife so gorgeous! 😍😍😘😘❤️.”

But, since Megan is in a relationship with River, she and Carlos are divorced as of this writing. But, her husband’s Instagram bio still writes that Carlos is married to Megan and is a father to one son Camden Rey. Plus, Carlos kept his account private.

It creates a furthermore confusion, but, the relationship between Megan and River could just be only for the reality show. And we know that Megan is into the entertainment industry and all of this was just arrangements for Megan to kick start her career as a reality star.

But, it’s all hypothetical, and let’s see what further progress we can witness in their relationship.

Has [River Everett Girlfriend] Megan Appeared On The Family Chantel?

While Megan never appeared on the show as of this moment, she is set to appear on The Family Chantel, according to the preview of the latest episode (as of October 2021).

[River Everett Girlfriend] Megan Montenegro Age

River’s girlfriend Megan Montenegro is 28 years old as of 2021. This means she is 5 years older than her beau River who was born on 9 July 1997.

[River Everett Girlfriend] Megan Montenegro Ethnicity

River Everett’s girlfriend Megan Montenegro (maiden name Spradlin). She is related to Darryl J Tumbleson Melissa Tumbleson, Renee Taylor, and Harold Tumbleson among other individuals. Talking about her upbringing, she shared that she grew up poor which is why when she bought a Benz in 2019, she felt accomplished.

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No further details on her parents and her siblings, and her ethnicity exist in the public domain. But, she appears to be of White-American heritage.

Is [River Everett Girlfriend] Megan Montenegro On IG?

Yes, River Everett’s girlfriend Megan Montenegro is on Facebook as well as Instagram. Her Instagram handle is @mnmonte21 and her Facebook handle is @mnmontenegro21.

Related FAQs

  • What Does [River Everett Girlfriend] Megan Montenegro Do For A Living?

River Everett’s girlfriend Megan Montenegro is in the United States Army. She joined the US Army in September 2012 as Human Resources Administrator in Columbia, South Carolina. While stationed in Columbia, she explained human resources policies and procedures to all employees. She helped generate employee tracking reports each month and managed communication regarding employee orientation and open enrollment for benefits.

Megan also helped with training and developing staff with all aspects of training coordination.

From 2014-2019, Megan was stationed in Glasgow, Kentucky. Her job responsibilities were similar during those five years. She ended up managing 700 personnel files according to policies and federal and state laws and regulations.

Starting from 2020, Megan has been working as a Training and Operations NCO at Georgia Army National Guard. Her responsibility included staffing of all personnel during events or support missions to efficiently meet the Commander’s intent and ensure adequate resources are provided. She also coordinated logistics assets by utilizing manpower and equipment information to ensure timely and effective resourcing for outside training events.

Moreover, she maintained property accountability of $400,000 by Army policy and procedures.

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Meanwhile, Megan also pursued a career as Certified Personal Trainer in Gold’s Gym from 2017-2020. Along with that, she also pursued her modeling career and also as a business manager while in Hinesville, Georgia. She did promotional works for 7 Seas Medical Spa, Souther Gains Apparel, and also lipstick commercials.

Megan is also an aspiring musician who released her first song Rodeo on 10 October 2021.

  • How Tall Is [River Everett Girlfriend] Megan Montenegro?

River Everett’s girlfriend Megan Montenegro stands tall to the height of 5 feet 5 inches.

  • Where Is [River Everett Girlfriend] Megan Montenegro From?

River’s girlfriend Megan Montenegro grew up in her hometown of Kentucky. The county she grew up in made it to the list of the third poorest county in the United States. The median household income was $19k annually.

Categories: Biography

Links: [River Everett Girlfriend] Megan Montenegro Bio, Age, IG – Tekmonk Bio, [River Everett Girlfriend] Megan Montenegro Bio, Age, IG – Kungfutv, [River Everett Girlfriend] Megan Montenegro Bio, Age, IG – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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