
Roller coaster connects to track mid-ride, netizens call it ‘horror’

Roller coaster connects to track mid-ride, netizens call it ‘horror’ - networth, wiki, biography
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Several videos showcase the chilling speed at which a roller coaster rides. However, the video that has now gone viral is different from others. It shows a ride connecting to the track while people are sitting on it. Yes, you read that right. (Also Read: This elevated roller coaster ride will give you goosebumps. Watch)

Snapshot of the roller coaster ride that connects to the track mid-air.(Instagram/@whistlesports)

The clip was shared by Instagram handle Whistle. It opens to show people buckled on the roller coaster. Just as the descent is imminent, a fascinating twist unfolds. Turns out, to move forward, the ride needs to be linked to another track mid-air.

Watch the video of this bone-chilling roller coaster here:

This post was shared on July 18. Since being posted, it has been liked close to nine lakh times. The share has also received several comments.

Check out what people are saying about this ride here:

An individual wrote, “Hell no, this is not for the weak heart and my heart is very weak.” A second added, “I had a heart attack watching this.” “I can see a final destination right here,” expressed a third. A fourth posted, “Is this created by Phineas and Ferb?” A fifth said, “Who dreams up these torture machines?” “What in the horror movie is this,” added a sixth.

What are your thoughts about this roller coaster? Would you ever be willing to ride it?

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Links: Roller coaster connects to track mid-ride, netizens call it ‘horror’ – Tekmonk Bio, Roller coaster connects to track mid-ride, netizens call it ‘horror’ – Kungfutv, Roller coaster connects to track mid-ride, netizens call it ‘horror’ – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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