
Romina Gabdullina- Wiki, Age, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Net Worth, Height, Career

Romina Gabdullina- Wiki, Age, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Net Worth, Height, Career - networth, wiki, biography
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Romina Gabdullina is a Russian right-handed badminton player. Romina Gabdullina also won the European Junior Badminton Championships in women’s doubles in 2009.

Quick Facts

Full Name:Romina Gabdullina
Born Date:17 Mar 1993
Age:29 years
Best Match for Marriage:Cancer, Scorpio
Profession:Badminton Player
Marital Status:single
Net Worth$1.5 million
Eye ColorBrown
Hair ColorBlack
Birth PlaceMoscow,

Romina Gabdullina Biography

Romina Gabdullina was born on March 17, 1993, in Moscow, Russia. Furthermore, this badminton player is 29 years old and of Russian nationality.

Romina Eduardovna Gabdullina is her birth name. However, there isn’t much more information about her ethnicity, zodiac sign, parents, siblings, or childhood life available.

Based on her career success, it appears that her parents raised her well as a child and that her parents are very supportive of her career.

Romina Gabdullina Education

In terms of her academic career, she has not publicly disclosed her educational qualifications. However, it appears that she is well educated and may have graduated from a well-known university.

Romina Gabdullina Height, Weight

Gabdullina’s eyes are brown with black pupils. Aside from that, there isn’t much else known about her height, weight, and other body measurements.


Nothing is known about Romina Gabdullina’s professional career’s beginnings. She did, however, win her first gold medal at the European Junior Championships in 2009, which were held at the Federal Technical Centre – Palabadminton in Milan, Italy.

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During this match, she collaborated with her teammate Anastasia Chervyakova to defeat the team Netherlands by a score of 21-13, 21-17. Similarly, in the Cyprus International Tournament (Women’s Doubles), she won her second gold medal in the BWF International series.

She collaborates with Evgeniya Kosetskaya. She and her partner won gold medals after defeating the Denmark team in the final game by scores of 21-18 and 21-9.

Furthermore, she won a silver medal in the BWF International series at the Iceland International Tournament after losing to Taiwanese player Chiang Mei-hui 17-21, 17-21.

Romina Gabdullina Awards

On March 14, 2013, she was ranked 70th in the Women’s singles. Similarly, on April 21, 2011, she was ranked 102 in the Women’s doubles. On April 21, 2011, she was ranked 188 in the Mixed doubles.

Romina Gabdullina Net Worth

Abdulla has not officially disclosed her earnings, salary, or net worth to the general public. As of August 2023, Her net worth is estimated to be around $1.5 million, according to online sources. Her main source of income was her badminton career.

Romina Gabdullina Boyfriend, Dating

In terms of her personal life, she is currently unmarried and single. There is no way of knowing whether she is dating anyone or not. When it comes to her personal life, she is quite private and prefers to keep her private details hidden from the general public and the media.

As of yet, this badminton player has not been involved in any controversies or rumors that could jeopardize her career. She also prefers to avoid the spotlight, so being associated with such things could have harmed her career.

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Categories: Biography

Links: Romina Gabdullina- Wiki, Age, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Net Worth, Height, Career – Tekmonk Bio, Romina Gabdullina- Wiki, Age, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Net Worth, Height, Career – Kungfutv, Romina Gabdullina- Wiki, Age, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Net Worth, Height, Career – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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