
Sabrina Spanta Bio, Project Runway, Age, Boyfriend

Sabrina Spanta Bio, Project Runway, Age, Boyfriend - networth, wiki, biography
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Sabrina Spanta was sent home on episode 5 of Project Runway season 19. Though she couldn’t take the trophy home, Sabrina made it the show’s history for being the first Afghan-American designer contestant.

Get to know her more as this Sabrina Spanta Bio proceeds.

Sabrina Spanta On Project Runway

Bravo’s Project Runway season 19 premiered on October 14, 2021, which saw Sabrina Spanta with 15 other contestants. And all was going well for the talented designer until episode 5 where she was paired with a fellow designer Prajje Oscar Jean-Baptiste.

The two were issued a team challenge to design one male and one female look for them to wear at a future hosting gig. Unfortunately, the pair never synched and they ended up being eliminated.

According to judge Johnny, he wanted a “Hunger Games-esque look”, but what he got was something a cartoon character figure skater might wear.

However, their designs weren’t exactly terrible. But this was a competition and someone had to end up on the bottom.

Another thing that hindered Sabrina during the challenge was a flare-up of her rheumatoid arthritis. But she pushed through and finished her design in one day.

Naturally, fans were dismayed by the judges’ decision. A Twitter user wrote, “I’m surprised she went home… other than it looking costume-y, it was well made. #ProjectRunway”

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Sabrina Spanta Career

Sabrina Spanta has loved designing clothes ever since she was a kid. With no treatment available for juvenile arthritis, Sabrina couldn’t walk, so she sat and watched her father sew. And that was when it first sparked her passion.

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Even before she couldn’t speak English, Sabrina learned how to make her clothes. “(It was) something that naturally came to me by 4th grade, I was downstairs sewing and making clothes,” she said.

As she grew up, Sabrina then attended Savannah College of Art and Design from 2011- 2016 to further enhance her skill. Finally, she moved to Florida, designing clothes for major retail lines until the pandemic hit. Then she lost her job.

“I lost my corporate designer job, I sold everything I had and drove for two days back to Michigan from Florida. I went into depression; with no job, no money, and no honey,” she recalled.

But that was a blessing in disguise. Soon after, Sabrina then started her eponymous fashion line in the Detroit area while also applying for Project Runway. A year later, she was chosen.

By 2021, Sabrina garnered a net worth of over $150 thousand.

Her brand sold clothes anywhere from $100 to $400. Their official page mentioned their brand values to be — Versatility, Sustainability, and Philanthropy.

Trivia: Sabrina graduated from Andover High School in 2011.

Does Sabrina Spanta Have A Boyfriend?

As of 2021, Sabrina Spanta was private about her dating life. And speculatively, she probably didn’t have a boyfriend then.

She had just come out of depression then, after applying to over 200 jobs, with multiple interviews and 100% rejections. As she said, she had “no job, no money, and no honey.”

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Bot now things are better, maybe she finally will have enough money and a “honey” as well.

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Sabrina Spanta Age

Sabrina Spanta was 29 years of age in 2021 when she first appeared on Project Runway season 19.

Her birthday and zodiac details were kept private.

Sabrina Spanta Height

This talented designer stands tall at a height of 5 feet 5.5 inches (166 cm).

Her distinct features include — amazing long dark hair, brown eyes, and a triangular face.

Related FAQs

  • Where Was Sabrina Spanta Born?

Sabrina Spanta was born in Afghanistan. However, she was adopted in the United States by their great aunt in 2000. And this was where she spent most of her childhood.

13 years later, she then went on to create her self-titled line, Sanowber, and received recognition at numerous events and publications such as Charleston Fashion Week, St. Louis Fashion Week, CNN News, and more.

Sabrina claimed that what knew her apart from all her competitors was her observant personality.

  • Has Sabrina Spanta Shared Anything About Her Family?

Yes, there’s a lot you need to know about Sabrina Spanta’s family.

Her parents fled from Afghanistan to a refugee camp in Pakistan in 1995, to avoid the Afgan war. Unfortunately, Sabrina’s mother died during their journey, and her dad was left to care for her and her siblings.

After being adopted to the US in 2000 by their great aunt, Sabrina then found a new home. She then started calling her aunt her “mother.” So, don’t be confused.

While we’ve already talked about her father who sparked her passion for sewing, it was also thanks to her grandmothers she was able to nurture her love for fashion. Her grandma Betty was a seamstress who taught her how to sew, and Grandma Nona (who started her own children’s clothing store) inspired entrepreneurship in her.

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Recalling her time in Afghanistan, Sabrina wrote, “25 years ago I was in the exact position that thousands of Afghan women are in today. I fled the war in Afghanistan with my family to a refugee camp in Pakistan.”

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She added, “It has become my life’s mission to create opportunity in the face of hopelessness for the women of Afghanistan, and to pay my experiences forward.”

  • Is Sabrina Spanta On Instagram?

Yes, find her over Instagram @sabrinaspanta and Twitter @SabrinaSpanta.

Categories: Biography

Links: Sabrina Spanta Bio, Project Runway, Age, Boyfriend – Tekmonk Bio, Sabrina Spanta Bio, Project Runway, Age, Boyfriend – Kungfutv, Sabrina Spanta Bio, Project Runway, Age, Boyfriend – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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