
Sam Worthington Net Worth in 2023 How Rich is He Now?

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Sam Worthington Net Worth 2023 – The famous Australian actor “Sam Worthington” has a net worth of $35 Million dollars and he was born on August 2, 1976.
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How much is Sam Worthington’s Net Worth? 

So how much is Sam Worthington actually worth? According to our research, Sam Worthington’s net worth is estimated to be $35 Million dollars. Sam Worthington’s net worth is largely the result of his success as a Australian actor.


Sam Worthington

Net Worth( 2023)

$35 Million dollars

Monthly Income And Salary

$0.5 million +

Yearly Income And Salary

$5 million (Annual) +


Australian actor

Date of Birth

August 2, 1976


46 years old


178 cm (5’10”)


(176 lbs) 80 kg


Godalming, United Kingdom



Sam Worthington Net Worth Growth Year by Year

Net Worth in 2023  

$35 Million

Net Worth in 2022

$30 million

Net Worth in 2021

$25 million

Net Worth in 2020

$20 million

Net Worth in 2019

$17 million

Who is Sam Worthington?

Sam Worthington is an Australian actor who has made a significant impact in the world of film and has garnered international recognition for his versatile performances. Born on August 2, 1976, in Surrey, England, Worthington’s family relocated to Australia when he was just a year old. His passion for acting developed at a young age, and he pursued his dreams with determination and dedication.

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Worthington’s breakthrough role came in 2009 when he portrayed the lead character, Jake Sully, in James Cameron’s epic science fiction film “Avatar.” His portrayal of a paralyzed marine who becomes immersed in the world of Pandora captivated audiences worldwide. The film’s immense success catapulted Worthington into the limelight and solidified his status as a rising star in Hollywood.

Prior to his groundbreaking role in “Avatar,” Worthington had already showcased his talent in notable films such as “Somersault” (2004) and “Macbeth” (2006). These performances demonstrated his ability to portray complex characters with depth and authenticity. Worthington’s natural charisma and rugged charm added to his on-screen appeal, making him a compelling presence in every project he undertook.

How old is Sam Worthington?

Sam Worthington was born on August 2, 1976, which would make him 46 years old in 2023. Sam Worthington is an Australian actor who gained international recognition for his role as Jake Sully in the 2009 film “Avatar.” He was born in Godalming, Surrey, England, but moved to Perth, Western Australia with his family when he was a child. Worthington started his acting career in Australian television and film before making his way to Hollywood.

How tall is Sam Worthington?

Sam Worthington, an esteemed actor from Australia, was born on August 2, 1976. He has accumulated considerable wealth through his successful career. Regarding his physical attributes, Sam Worthington stands at a height of 178 cm (5’10”) and weighs 80 kg (176 lbs).

This article offers comprehensive information about Sam Worthington, including additional details worth exploring. Make sure to read the entire article to learn more about him and other intriguing aspects.

Sam Worthington Biography

Sam Worthington is an Australian actor who has starred in some of the biggest blockbusters of the past decade, including “Avatar,” “Terminator Salvation,” and “Clash of the Titans.” But what many people don’t know about Worthington is that he had very humble beginnings.

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Worthington was born in England in 1976, but his family moved to Australia when he was just six months old. He grew up in a small town in Western Australia, and he didn’t have any formal acting training. In fact, he worked as a bricklayer for several years before he decided to pursue a career in acting.

In 1998, Worthington enrolled in the National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) in Sydney. He graduated two years later, and he quickly landed his first major role in the Australian film “Somersault.” The film was a critical and commercial success, and it helped Worthington to launch his career.

In 2009, Worthington landed the role of Jake Sully in the James Cameron film “Avatar.” The film was a massive hit, and it made Worthington a household name. He has since starred in several other successful films, including “Terminator Salvation,” “Clash of the Titans,” and “Everest.”

Real Name

Samuel Henry John Worthington

Nick Name

Sam Worthington

Date of Birth

August 2, 1976


46 years old


178 cm (5’10”)


(176 lbs) 80 kg


Godalming, United Kingdom




Australian actor



Eye Colour


Hair Colour

Light Brown


John Curtin College of the Arts, National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA)

Zodiac Sign


Sexual Orientation


Kids/Children Name

Rocket Zot Worthington


Ronald W. Worthington, Jeanne J. Worthington


Lara Worthington (m. 2014)

Sam Worthington Social Media Accounts


Not available


Not available

Sound Cloud

Not available


Not available


Not available


Not available

Sam Worthington Nationality

Sam Worthington, the acclaimed actor known for his roles in various blockbuster films, hails from Australia. Born on August 2, 1976, in Godalming, Surrey, England, Worthington moved to Perth, Western Australia with his family when he was a mere six months old. It was in the land Down Under that Worthington grew up and eventually discovered his passion for acting.

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While Worthington’s birthplace may initially lead to confusion about his nationality, it is important to note that he spent the majority of his life in Australia and considers himself Australian. His upbringing, cultural influences, and career development have all been closely tied to the Australian entertainment industry.

Sam Worthington Career

Sam Worthington is an Australian actor who has made a significant impact in the entertainment industry with his diverse roles and versatile acting abilities. Born on August 2, 1976, in Surrey, England, Worthington moved to Australia with his family at a young age. He developed a passion for acting during his teenage years and went on to study drama at the National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) in Sydney.

Worthington began his acting career in the early 2000s, appearing in Australian films and television shows. However, it was his breakthrough role as Jake Sully in James Cameron’s epic science fiction film “Avatar” (2009) that propelled him to international fame. Worthington’s portrayal of the paraplegic marine thrust into a conflict on the distant planet Pandora showcased his talent and helped establish him as a bankable Hollywood actor.

Following the success of “Avatar,” Worthington went on to star in a range of films across different genres. He demonstrated his action prowess in movies such as “Clash of the Titans” (2010) and its sequel “Wrath of the Titans” (2012), where he portrayed the mythological hero Perseus. His physicality and intensity brought depth to the character, making him a suitable fit for such roles.

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Categories: Biography

Links: Sam Worthington Net Worth in 2023 How Rich is He Now? – Tekmonk Bio, Sam Worthington Net Worth in 2023 How Rich is He Now? – Kungfutv, Sam Worthington Net Worth in 2023 How Rich is He Now? – Blogtomoney

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