
Sara Sharif, 10, ‘fell down stairs & broke her neck’, uncle says as he’s held by Pakistan cops after Woking ‘murder’

Sara Sharif, 10, ‘fell down stairs & broke her neck’, uncle says as he’s held by Pakistan cops after Woking ‘murder’ - networth, wiki, biography
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TRAGIC Sara Sharif’s uncle has claimed the 10-year-old died when she fell down the stairs and broke her neck.

Sara’s body was found at her home in Horsell, Surrey in the early hours of Thursday, August 10.


Sara Sharif, 10, was tragically found dead at a Woking home earlier this monthCredit: SIMON JONESSara Sharif, 10, ‘fell down stairs & broke her neck’, uncle says as he’s held by Pakistan cops after Woking ‘murder’ 1Sara Sharif, 10, ‘fell down stairs & broke her neck’, uncle says as he’s held by Pakistan cops after Woking ‘murder’ 2


The youngster’s father Urfan Sharif is now being hunted by copsCredit: Tiktok

Cops quickly launched a murder probe, before revealing the three people they want to speak to about Sara’s death had fled the UK.

Tributes poured in for the little girl in the days after her death as her father was named locally as Urfan Sharif, 41.

The brother of Sara’s father, Imran Sharif, has now allegedly claimed she died in an accident at home.

Imran has not been charged and is not under arrest.

But the uncle is being held by cops for questioning, and told Pakistan Police that Sara’s dad’s partner Beinash Batool, 29, watched the horror unfold.

Jhelum police told Sky News the family line is: “Beinash was home with the children. Sara fell down the stairs and broke her neck.

“Beinash panicked and phoned Urfan.”

He added: “I found out what happened to Sara through the international media.

“My parents told me Urfan briefly came home very upset. He kept saying ‘they’ [Brit authorities] are going to take his children away from him.”

The force said it was still hunting Sara’s father, Urfan Sharif who is said to have fled the UK along with his other brother Faisal Malik, partner Beinash and five children ranging from one to 13 years old.

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UK authorities now face an uphill battle to get the group – all known to Sara – back to Britain.

This is because the UK does not have a formal extradition treaty with Pakistan, making it difficult to get the runaways back for questioning.

A post-mortem in recent days revealed that young Sara suffered “multiple and extensive injuries which are likely to have been caused over a sustained and extended period of time”.

Dept Supt Mark Chapman said at the time: “While the post-mortem has not provided us with an established cause of death at this time, we now know that Sara had suffered multiple and extensive injuries over a sustained and extended period.

“This has significantly changed the nature of our investigation, and we have widened the timescale of the focus of our enquiry.

“As a result, we are trying to piece together a picture of Sara’s lifestyle but we cannot do this without the public’s help.”

Anyone who knew Sara or her family at all is being urged to come forward via the investigation portal.

It comes just one day after it was revealed Sara was known to social services.

Surrey County Council said it could not comment further while a review by the Surrey Safeguarding Children Partnership was being undertaken.

At the weekend it was revealed the youngster’s father was one of the three people being hunted by international cops.

And her mother, Olga Sharif, has called on him to “come forward and explain himself”.

The grieving mum, who did not live with Sara but had visitation rights, said Sara was “an amazing child”

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“She was so beautiful. I can’t believe she’s dead,” she added.

Sara Sharif, 10, ‘fell down stairs & broke her neck’, uncle says as he’s held by Pakistan cops after Woking ‘murder’ 3Sara Sharif, 10, ‘fell down stairs & broke her neck’, uncle says as he’s held by Pakistan cops after Woking ‘murder’ 4


The father and two others are said to have fled the country in the hours before young Sara’s body was foundCredit: SWNSSara Sharif, 10, ‘fell down stairs & broke her neck’, uncle says as he’s held by Pakistan cops after Woking ‘murder’ 5Sara Sharif, 10, ‘fell down stairs & broke her neck’, uncle says as he’s held by Pakistan cops after Woking ‘murder’ 6


Sara’s uncle told cops her dad’s partner Beinash Batool, 29, watched the horror unfoldCredit: PASara Sharif, 10, ‘fell down stairs & broke her neck’, uncle says as he’s held by Pakistan cops after Woking ‘murder’ 7Sara Sharif, 10, ‘fell down stairs & broke her neck’, uncle says as he’s held by Pakistan cops after Woking ‘murder’ 8


Sara with her mother, OlgaCredit: Collect

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Sara Sharif, 10, ‘fell down stairs & broke her neck’, uncle says as he’s held by Pakistan cops after Woking ‘murder’ – Tekmonk Bio, Sara Sharif, 10, ‘fell down stairs & broke her neck’, uncle says as he’s held by Pakistan cops after Woking ‘murder’ – Kungfutv, Sara Sharif, 10, ‘fell down stairs & broke her neck’, uncle says as he’s held by Pakistan cops after Woking ‘murder’ – Blogtomoney

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