
Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story

Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story - networth, wiki, biography
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Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story

Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story – Her true name is Seema Haider, and she resides in Pakistan. Seema was born and raised in Sindh. She has four kids and is married. Seema Haider was born in Sindh, Pakistan, and as of 2023, she would be 30 years old. Her husband is Ghulam Haider, and she is the mother of 4 kids. Since the year 2020, Seema has been a PUBG player, and as a result, she has started to fall in love with someone else. Ghulam Haider, her spouse, is employed in Saudi Arabia.

Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story

Seema Haider Bio

NameSeema Haider
AgeNot Known
Date Of BirthNot Known
ProfessionPUBG Player
BirthplaceKot Diji district of Sindh Province in Pakistan

Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story

Seema Haider Measurement

Height5 feet 5 inch
Weight55 Kg
Eye ColourBlack
Hair ColourBlack

Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, StorySeema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story 1Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story 2Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story

Seema Haider Educational Qualifications

SchoolLocal School Kot Diji
College or UniversityNot Known
Educational DegreeGraduated

Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story

Seema Haider Family

FatherGhulam Raza Rind
MotherNot Known
Brother / SisterNot Known
Children4 Children

Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, StorySeema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story 3Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story 4Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story

Seema Haider Marital Status

When the Corona period began in the year 2020 and spread over the globe, Seema Haider and Sachin Meena simultaneously struck up a conversation. They both fell in love throughout the game. As a result, Seema left her house, and on July 4 the police detained her for entering Nepal illegally.

Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story 5Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story 6Seema Haider’s First Husband

Let us inform you that Seema Haider is almost 7 years older than Sachin Meena, her new spouse. Her spouse Ghulam Haider works in Saudi Arabia, and the couple has four kids. Sachin Meena, a native of Noida, met Seema Haider while playing the PUBG video game. Seema Haider has stated in writing that she will die but will not go back to Pakistan since she does not want to.

Marital StatusMarried
First Spouse NameGulam Haider
Second Spouse Name/ AffairSachin Meena

Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story

Seema Haider Net Worth

Net Worth In DollarsNot Known
SalaryNot Known

Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story

Seema Haider Social Media Accounts

Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story

Seema Haider Love Story

The love tale between the two feels straight out of a Bollywood film. During the Covid-19 pandemic, they came into one another while playing the well-known online game PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG). In March of this year, they were reunited in Nepal and made plans to wed.

After being let out of jail, Seema spoke candidly with reporters about her experience. She talked about her worries and the difficulties she had to overcome. Seema first flew from Karachi to Dubai, where they endured an 11-hour wait without any opportunity to rest. They took off for Nepal from there, landing in Pokhara, where she at last got to meet Sachin.

Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story

Their love persisted even after Seema eventually moved back to Pakistan and Sachin returned from Nepal to India. Due to problems in her marriage, Seema made the decision to sell a piece of property in order to raise money for her family of four. She spent the cash on airline tickets and a Nepal visa.

Seema travelled from Dubai to Nepal in May and spent some time getting to know the lovely city of Pokhara. Then, on May 13, she and her children boarded a bus from Kathmandu to Delhi and arrived in Greater Noida. Without disclosing Seema’s Pakistani origin, Sachin had arranged for them to dwell in a rental home.

Categories: Biography

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Links: Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story – Tekmonk Bio, Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story – Kungfutv, Seema Haider Wikipedia, Age, Pakistan, Instagram, Age, Religion, Pics, Husband, Story – Blogtomoney

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