
Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked

Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked - networth, wiki, biography
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Alcoholic, scruffy, and indifferent to anything that isn’t doing him any favors, he’s surprisingly candid about having as many relationships as he has. shameless.

But despite this, Frank’s list of conquests and long-term relationships is actually quite impressive. None of them seem to stick around (aside from the alcohol), but we can hope he gets something out of every romantic interest he’s had over the past 10 seasons. shameless.


Frank dated Dottie in season 2 for a terrible reason: he wanted her pension. Dottie, affectionately nicknamed “Butterfly Face” by Frank, needs a heart transplant without which she would soon die. Frank learns she has no living relatives, so he devises a plan to win her over and be listed as a beneficiary of a pension she receives for working for the state. The two actually bond in the process and she knows what he’s doing, but she’s lonely and she doesn’t seem to mind. But Frank committed his most despicable act yet, and when doctors called to tell her she had a heart ready, he went along with their story. He told them she was over it and then literally screwed her to death. It wasn’t his best relationship, but the two shared some great moments.


Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked 1Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked 2

In the season 10 finale, we learned about another of Franks’ conquests. When he heard that Ian’s wedding would be held at Polish Doll, he panicked because one of his exes was the host and the two were not on good terms. Viewers learn that Frank slept with her while she was married and was horrified when her husband came home one day. The two eventually seemed to reconcile, as the last we saw of Frank was him passionately making out with Zuzi at a wedding reception.

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mums at liam’s school

Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked 3Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked 4

In the opening episode of season nine, Frank finds himself attracting the attention of many desperate moms at Liam’s new private school, and takes advantage of the situation by managing to sleep with just about everyone, married or not. He thought he had gotten away with it, until what appeared to be an STD outbreak among parents at the school.

All parents gathered in the school gymnasium to trace the source of STDs and treat everyone. Of course, the source ends up being Frank, and all the husbands discover their wives’ infidelity at the same time. This creates a hilarious situation for Frank, who is strapped to an IV bag filled with antibiotics and unable to get out.

Fay Donahue

Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked 5Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked 6

Faye (Elizabeth Rodriguez) came into Franks’ life in season ten, and while she meant to make him pay for the capture of her high school sweetheart years earlier, she realized she was enjoying While spending time with him, the two fell into some kind of relationship. When she leaves to visit her family, she hints that she would like to see him again when she returns, and Frank seems intrigued by the idea. Or maybe it was more the big empty house and town car she left behind.

shelia jackson

Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked 7Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked 8

Celia Jackson (Joan Cusack) probably loved Frank more than she did, and it was her sleight of hand that got the two married. But Frank does show some good qualities with her, and the storyline involving her seems to save the show. Now that he has a home and hot meals waiting for him, he’s around more and doesn’t hang around drunk anymore. Sex might not be exactly what Frank is used to, but he seems to get something out of it. Sheila would have been an excellent housewife for Frank, and her eccentric nature allowed her to see the good in Frank.

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ingrid jones

Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked 9Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked 10

Katey Sagal played the bipolar doctor Frank had a crush on in Season 9. Fans get to see Frank with the neurotic Ingrid, who shows the side of him he felt with Monica, but Ingrid is far smarter. But when Ingrid is on her medication, Frank isn’t all that interested in her, so he steps in to get her off her medication and let her mental condition take over. But Frank is completely out of control, out of control of her, and he’s left alone. Even after tricking Carl into producing sperm and using it to give Ingrid the child she wants. She compliments Frank on his energy when he goes off the drug, but things are bound to end that way, as Monica did.

Queenie Sloat

Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked 11Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked 12

Queenie is the ex-boyfriend we learned about in season four, when Frank revealed he had another daughter during his search for a new liver. Although Sammi wasn’t a match, Frank still won the prize in season six when he reunited with his old flame Queenie, who came to babysit Chuckie while Sammi served time for shooting Mickey. The two seem smitten and the audience is actually rooting for the two until they move to her commune and Frank can’t cope with her polyamory. She brought a sense of happiness to Frank that no other woman in his life could see because she was good at making him relax and feel calm with her spiritual awareness and gifts.


Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked 13Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked 14

Monica was like a tornado, popping into Franks’ life from time to time until her tragic death from a brain hemorrhage at the end of season seven. She’s the mother of all of Frank’s children, and every time she’s back in town Frank seems to give up everything for her. They understand each other and enjoy doing indecent acts together, but she can also be toxic to him.

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Her bipolar disorder caused her to be short-tempered, impulsive, and often selfish. She cheated on him and dumped him multiple times, she was far from a stable partner. But underneath it all, the two do genuinely care about each other, with Monica giving him some of the best memories and his children, who he seems to care about at times.


Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked 15Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked 16

Bianca may be the only one who makes Frank think more about others than himself. Of course, many people might say that he had deep feelings for Monica and that she was the person he loved most, but Frank was more sad when Bianca died than when Monica died. Frank’s main concern is what to do with Monica’s collection after her death, and when he loses Bianca, he falls into a panic and is less than calm for a while. Maybe if circumstances had been different, Bianca might have changed Franks’ heart, but part of it was their similar personality types and mostly due to her bittersweet attitude after being diagnosed with cancer. But of all of Franks’ relationships, Bianca seems to be the one that unfreezes his heart the most.


Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked 17Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked 18

Bianca may have come close to taking Frank’s heart, but his heart and life belonged to one more than most. Admittedly, Frank’s greatest passion seems to be alcohol itself. Even when his health was at stake, Frank never gave up the stuff, even when he nearly died from the addictive liquid on multiple occasions. In fact, it was because of his love of beer that he blew up Sheila’s house while brewing it in her basement. He’ll do almost anything for a drink and put everything first, it’s always going to be his number one priority… Isn’t that what love is?

Links: Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked – Tekmonk Bio, Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked – Kungfutv, Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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