
Shocking moment ferocious dog attacks police horse before cop thrown onto road

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THIS is the shocking moment a ferocious dog attacks a police horse before a cop is thrown onto the road.

A boy’s “dangerous” hound became violently out of control on Friday when officers trotted down Maroon Street, Limehouse, east London.


A ferocious dog attacked a police horse on FridayCredit: Twitter – @crimeldnShocking moment ferocious dog attacks police horse before cop thrown onto road 1Shocking moment ferocious dog attacks police horse before cop thrown onto road 2


The officer fell off the horse when it freaked outCredit: Twitter/@CrimeLdn

The yapping canine, who witnesses say “went nuts”, chased after one of the horses – freaking it out so badly the female constable riding it flew off the saddle.

She suffered a minor injury when the horse then bolted.

The owner, who is understood to be 12 years old, attempted to chase after the toothy tan Staffy mix as it attacked the police animals.

Met Police officers were forced to seize the beast after it was trodden on by the horse.

The disturbed horse, which sustained injuries to its leg, was recovered by officers after it made a run for it.

A witness told The Sun: “Police horses usually patrol in the area, and the kids love it because they get to see them, but this dog went nuts.

“The police tried to control their horses and even tried pepper spray but it ended up getting in the horse’s eyes too.

“They were shouting at the family to control the dog but it ended up with the horse kicking the dog to get it to stop.

“The police officer ended up falling off one of the horses too and it bolted away.”

The resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, said the family who own the dog is known in the area and the mutt even “lurched at a baby once”.

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They added: “We’re all furious about it and something like this was bound to happen eventually.”

A Metropolitan Police spokesperson said the dog escaped a nearby property and now remains in police kennels.

They said: “At around 1650hrs on Friday, 18 August, two mounted police officers were on routine duties in Maroon Street, E14 when one of the police horses was bitten by a dog which ran out from a nearby house.

“The rider of the horse, a police constable, was unseated and sustained a minor injury. She did not require hospital treatment.

“The police horse sustained injuries to its leg. It bolted from the scene but was recovered by officers a short distance away with no further incident.

“The dog received a minor injury as a result of being trodden on by the horse.

“Both animals have been assessed by a police vet and neither was seriously hurt. The dog remains at police kennels.

“An offence of ‘a dog being dangerously out of control’ has been recorded. There has been no arrest at this stage.”

Tensions are already high in the area due to the deaths of two bully dogs, Marshall and Millions, who were shot dead by police.

Shocking moment ferocious dog attacks police horse before cop thrown onto road 3Shocking moment ferocious dog attacks police horse before cop thrown onto road 4


Cops say the hound escaped from a nearby homeCredit: Twitter – @crimeldn

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Shocking moment ferocious dog attacks police horse before cop thrown onto road – Tekmonk Bio, Shocking moment ferocious dog attacks police horse before cop thrown onto road – Kungfutv, Shocking moment ferocious dog attacks police horse before cop thrown onto road – Blogtomoney

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