
‘Solve it in 6 seconds’: Are you smart enough to crack this brain teaser?

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A brain teaser on Instagram is baffling minds with a seemingly simple question: What’s one plus one? But wait – before you jump to the obvious answer of 2, there’s a twist. Do you believe you’re up to cracking this puzzle?

Brain Teaser: Only a genius can solve this maths puzzle. (Instagram/@quiz_master_idea)

“Genius can solve it in 6 seconds?” reads the caption written alongside this IQ test on Instagram by the page named Mathematics. The task involves determining the sum of two ones based on the patterns set by the preceding set of numbers. This teaser suggests that the sum of two fours is 20, two fives is 30, and for two sixes, it’s 42.

Take a look at the brain teaser below:

The brain teaser was shared a day ago on Instagram. It has since been liked by more than 1,000 Instagram users. Many even took to the comments section to share their answers.

Here’s how people reacted to this brain teaser:

“The answer is 3,” claimed an individual.

Another added, “44 is the right answer!”

“4×4=16+4=20, 5×5=25+5=30, 6×6=36+6=42, 1×1=2+1=3,” explained a third.

A fourth shared, “Right answer is 4×5=20=6×5=30=7×6=42=1×1=2.”

“20+5+5=30. 30+6+6=42. 42+1+1=44,” joined a fifth.

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Links: ‘Solve it in 6 seconds’: Are you smart enough to crack this brain teaser? – Tekmonk Bio, ‘Solve it in 6 seconds’: Are you smart enough to crack this brain teaser? – Kungfutv, ‘Solve it in 6 seconds’: Are you smart enough to crack this brain teaser? – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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