
Special exhibits: 60 years of the Barbie doll, dinokunst and vintage clothing

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Many museums will build their exhibitions in January, in order for new displays. As you will soon see, it is in the Teylers museum, as scientists in th

Many museums will build their exhibitions in January, in order for new displays. As you will soon see, there is the Teylers Museum, how scientists in the past thought dinosaurs looked like, the Dordrechts Museum, filled with antique clothing, and you will experience the Cold War Tension Base. makes a list of special exhibitions that are now or within two or three weeks to appear.

Slow Fashion – Work Museum

During the exhibition, Slow Fashion and admire ancient artifacts from the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries. At that time, there were a lot of people who did everything they could to make their dress easy to maintain for a long time. With some repairs and adjustments to make it as close as possible, it could be a dress or jacket that will last for many years. The exhibition shows how fashion over the last three hundred years has been developed and produced at the same time, a critique of the current fast fashion trend. The museum aims to show that there used to be more respect for clothing and wants to talk about a sustainable fashion start-up.

Where: Dordrechts Museum, E 40, Dordrecht, Netherlands When: until April 12, Price from: 14 eur (admission ticket), children free for More information.

Several items on display. (Photo: Bram Vreugdenhil).

Solène Days: Turunç Foam

project, Turunç to (Turkish name for sinaasappelsoort that is too sour to eat) is by photographer Solène The days are full of young Turks in the poor suburbs of Paris and in Berlin, Germany. This is a group that is often associated with violence and has a negative stereotype. On that day he explains the world in which they live – burst of inconsistencies to fix. On the one hand, the boys would be invisible, but on the other hand, they don’t want to be seen. Although the situation in the city is hopeless for them most of the time, they look, feel, and men have a strong unity and solidarity with each other.

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Where: Foam photography Museum, Keizersgracht 609, Amsterdam, Netherlands When: until February 16. Price: €12.50 (adults), children under 12 free for more information.

The Namazlik work of the exhibition in Turunç. (Picture of Solène that day).

Plastic Fantastic! to 60 years of the Barbie doll – Museum Stedelijk Vianen (Netherlands) In 1959, he released the first Barbie doll of the production band. From that time, he grew up with Barbie and became the most famous fashion pop in the world. At the exhibition Plastic Fantastic! For 60 years, Barbie has been showing you how to change the look of the Barbie doll through the years, she has changed to the current ideal of beauty. Work your way through over a hundred figures, including the rare Malibu Barbie doll, Barbie doll, Superstar and the first Barbie doll from 1959.

Where: Stedelijk Museum Vianen (Netherlands), Joseph 97, Vianen, Netherlands When: Until June 1, Price: €4.50, for more information.

This Barbie can be seen during the exhibition. (Photo: Stedelijk Museum Vianen, Netherlands) Mirror of the soul. Toorop Mondrian in Singer Laren, Netherlands

in the Nineteenth century it was a very confusing time. Urbanization and industrialization were taking place, and cherished family ties were increasingly bowing to individualization. As a reaction to the superficiality of the modern way of life, many artists turned to looking inward in search of a deeper meaning of life. Jan Toorop, Johan Thorn Prikker, van Gogh, painter Matthijs Maris, Piet Mondrian and other artists, and allow the observer their way of looking at their own intimate inner world, such as the security of their own garden, interior or spiritual world.

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What: Singer Laren, Oude Drift 1, Laren, Netherlands When: 14 January to 10 May Price: 17 euros for adults and 10 euros for children) for more information. Portrait of Marie Jeanette de Lange by Jan Toorop. (Photo: Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam) Martin Roemers: Relics of the Museum Foundation of the Cold War Photographer and graphic artist, Martin Roemers, made between 1998 and 2009, is a picture of the remnants of the Cold War. For example, an abandoned fallout shelter, designed for members of the West German government to protect against a nuclear attack. Or the training ground where Russian planes and bombs land in the path. With this exhibition, visitors can get an idea of ​​how Europe was prepared for a nuclear war that never broke out. Where: Museum de Fundatie, Blijmarkt 20, From Zwolle, Where from 18 January to 5 May Price: €14 (adults), children free for More information.

now, in a bunker in the Baltic Sea. (Photo: Martin Roemer)

stand-up Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards – Brabant nature museum it’s the Comedy of the Wildlife Photography Awards, which are awarded annually to photographers who have the funniest wildlife to capture on film. You can see a photo of a smiling quokka, a seal, which is a dubbellapt of laughter or two dancing lions. The sale of the photos will raise funds for the Born Free Foundation, an organization dedicated to nature conservation. Where: Brabant Nature Museum, Spoorlaan 434, Tilburg, The Netherlands When: Until March 15 Price: €11.95 (adults) or €9.95 (children) for more information.

Photo by Grab-Life-By-The -…. (photo by Sarah Skinner).

pearls of the Far East, – Kröller-Müller Museum

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The Kröller-Müller Museum is known for its large collection of modern and contemporary art. But the next time they will be there for thousands of years, ancient Chinese objects, look for example the tenth and seventh centuries or the third century BC. The Kröller-Müller collection consists of around forty early works of art, including ceramics, small bronzes, stone, ceramics and paintings on paper.

Where is the Kröller-Müller Museum, Houtkampweg 6, Otterlo (Netherlands) When: January 25 – April 27, Price: 21.90 euros for adults and 11 euros for children under 12) for more information. Chinese porcelain. (Photo: Kröller-Müller Museum).

Dinomakers Teyler Museum

Since the discovery of the first dinosaur skeleton in the early years of the nineteenth century, man has been fascinated by these prehistoric giants. However, science does not yet know exactly what the graphics will look like. In Dinomakers two centuries of paleokunst to each other. Visitors can look at fossils up close and see how scientists and artists, dinosaurs, are represented. The exhibition consists of items on loan from the Natural History Museum in London, the Moravisch Museum in Brno, the Museon in The Hague (Netherlands) and private collectors.

Where: Teylers Museum, Spaarne 16, Haarlem, Netherlands When: January 31 and June 1, Price: €14 (adults) or €2 (children) for more information. Europasaurus holgeri (up to 2017), Mark P. Witton. (Photo: Mark P. Witton)

you can call The above list was compiled by the editorial staff of There is a shortage of tips? Fill in the outline to leave a comment below the article. Updated date: January 12, 2020, 1:01 p.m

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Special exhibits: 60 years of the Barbie doll, dinokunst and vintage clothing – Tekmonk Bio, Special exhibits: 60 years of the Barbie doll, dinokunst and vintage clothing – Kungfutv, Special exhibits: 60 years of the Barbie doll, dinokunst and vintage clothing – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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