
Strangers Again Kdrama Ending, Strangers Again Finale Recap And Review

Strangers Again Kdrama Ending, Strangers Again Finale Recap And Review - networth, wiki, biography
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Strangers Again Kdrama Ending Although the ending of the Korean drama Strangers Again left many fans disappointed, it is important to note that the 12th episode of the series received the highest ratings of the entire series. However, it’s possible that the increase in ratings was fueled by audiences who were curious if the two leads would end up together. For more details on the Strangers Again Kdrama ending, see below. Don’t miss out on the news – subscribe to NEWSTARS Education now! From the latest celebrity news to insightful movie reviews, be the first to know and engage with the ever-evolving world of entertainment on NEWSTARS Education.

Stranger again

“Strangers Again” is a South Korean TV series that premiered in 2023, starring Kang So-ra and Jang Seung-jo. The series revolves around the lives of divorce lawyers who find divorce challenging even though divorce is not a chore for them. The show is an original production of Genie TV, and is available for streaming on their platform and on Vika in selected regions. “Strangers Again” aired on ENA’s Wednesday and Thursday timeslot at 9:00 PM (KST) from January 18 to February 23, 2023.

End of the drama Strangers Again

Ha-ra and her mother go out to eat, and during their conversation, Ha-ra’s mother brings up the subject of blind dates. Ha-Ra tells her mother that she has decided not to go on blind dates anymore. She feels that she just wants to love Eun-beom and she can’t date or marry someone else while she still has those feelings. However, Ha-Ra admits that she doesn’t fully understand what love is and worries that she might end up wandering and living a lonely life, leading to a lonely childless death. Her mother encourages her to continue exploring her feelings and to love when she is ready. Meanwhile, Eun-beom decides to see a psychiatrist to deal with the pain of breaking up with a woman more than five times who is now trying to become a foreigner. At a company event, Ha-Ra leaves early as the company holds a wedding congratulatory ceremony for two colleagues. Ha-Ra and Eun-beom leave together, but end up breaking up.

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Strangers Again Finale Recap and Review

The latest episode was a rollercoaster of anxiety-filled emotions. Eun-beom and his family have reconciled, and Bi-chwi and Si-wook also have happy endings. Even so, it was painful to see Eun-beom and Ha-ra break up. Eun-beom admits that he loves Ha-ra, but his deep-seated mental issues make him unsuitable for a relationship right now. Ha-ra, on the other hand, realizes that she may always have feelings for Eun-be and decides not to involve other people in her life, like Jae-gyum, whom she might unintentionally hurt. The main question that remains is whether Eun-beom and Ha-Ra can end up being strangers again. The ending left viewers hanging on a cliffhanger.

Does Strangers Again have a happy ending?

In the end, Eun Beom and Ha Ra didn’t end up together. They are both working on letting go of their feelings for each other. Eun Beom seeks help for her mental problems, while Ha Ra has changed companies. As they both head down the stairs, Ha Ra informs Eun Beom that she will see him around, and he asks when that will be. She replies that she doesn’t know, possibly in court. Eun Beom then thinks about asking her something, but ends up staying silent. In voiceover, he wonders if they can really become strangers. They both leave without saying anything more.

Stranger Again Plot

The series revolves around Oh Ha-ra (Kang So-ra), a highly respected divorce lawyer known as the “goddess of litigation”, and her ex-husband Goo Eun-beom (Jang Seung-jo), who is also a skilled lawyer. Although previously married, the two now live separate lives and work together as colleagues in the same law firm. However, despite its intriguing premise, Strangers Again, which stars Kang So Ra and Jang Seung Jo as a pair of previously married divorce lawyers, struggled to attract significant audiences during its 12-episode run.

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Strangers again How many episodes?

The latest episode of Strangers Again, Episode 12, received the show’s highest rating to date, with 1.76 percent of Korean viewers nationwide and 2.1 percent of viewers in Seoul watching during its time slot. Despite the low numbers compared to other K-dramas, these ratings put Strangers Again, Episode 12 in second place in its timeslot. While the ending of the drama disappointed some fans, it is important to note that the most watched episode was the finale.

About the Korean drama Stranger Again



Literal meaning

Can I be someone else?

Revised Romanization

Nam-i Doel Su Iss-eulkka


Nam-i Toel Su Iss-ŭlkka


  • Romance
  • Legal drama

Developed by

KT Studio Genie (planning)


Sa-rang Park

Directed by

Kim Yang-hee


  • Kang So-ra
  • Jang Seung-jo

Music author

Lee Jae-Hak

Country of origin

South Korea

Original language


Number of episodes


Executive producers

  • Park Min-seol
  • Jang Young-mo (CP)


Kim Na-young

Production company

The story of the western world


  • Genie TV
  • ENA

The original network


Original edition

January 18, 2023 – February 23, 2023

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Categories: Biography

Links: Strangers Again Kdrama Ending, Strangers Again Finale Recap And Review – Tekmonk Bio, Strangers Again Kdrama Ending, Strangers Again Finale Recap And Review – Kungfutv, Strangers Again Kdrama Ending, Strangers Again Finale Recap And Review – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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