
Stray: Every Barter Item Location In The Slums

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after reaching the slums stray, there will be plenty of exploration opportunities and side activities, including finding resources for Barterman, Azooz, and exchanging them for various items. Items owned by Azoz are required for the main story or one of the side quests. In order to complete the three deals offered by Azooz, the cat needs to find a super cleaner and four energy drinks in the slums.

To find Azoz, players can go down the stairs after talking to the Guardian, and his stall will then be visible. Three different resources can be exchanged with Azooz.The supplier is in stray There are sheet music, relics and wires needed for the main storyline. The purpose of this mysterious ancient relic will only be revealed after it is captured from Azoz, but it is required for side quests.

The sheet music requires one energy drink from Azuz and three other energy drinks from the Slums in exchange for an ancient relic. To get the wire, the player needs to find a super cleaner. Each of these objects can be found somewhere in the Slums, and they shouldn’t be too difficult to find. Once all the items are collected, the cat can return to Azuz and claim the prize.

Where to find energy drinks in the homeless ghetto

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There are four energy drinks that can all be purchased from vending machines around the Slums stray. The first energy drink can be found by going back the same way to the main area, then continue down the stairs and find the vending machine near the guitar-wielding robot Morusk. Cats just need to walk up and interact with the vending machines to collect energy drinks.

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For the second energy drink, the cat can go back to the plaza and head to the super cleaner store, then walk past it and up the stairs. On the left at the top of the stairs, there will be a vending machine where you can collect energy drinks. Head to the rooftop and reach the Doctor’s Library to find the next vending machine. The cat can then go under the library to collect energy drinks. From the third energy drink slot, the player can go right and look down to find the last vending machine on the balcony.

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How to Get Super Cleaner in the Slums in The Stray

Stray: Every Barter Item Location In The Slums 1

In order to obtain straySuper cleaner, cats need to go to a store near the main square. There are robots on the roof that cats can interact with to open doors. After talking to the robot, the cat will meow when it throws the paint can. Robots drop paint cans, which causes the owner of the super cleaner shop to come out and clean up the mess. The cat can then sneak in and climb onto the table on the left near the window. Cats can return to Azoz after grabbing the Super Cleaner.

Obtain sheet music, relics, and wires from Azoz the Wanderer

Stray: Every Barter Item Location In The Slums 2

Once the Super Cleaner and four energy drinks have been collected, the cat can return to Azoz to trade sheet music, relics, and wires. The sheet music is one of eight sheets that need to be delivered to Morusk to complete the side quest.Likewise, Relics are required to complete B-12’s memory quest stray.Azoz’s last item, the wire, will be used to advance the main story stray.

stray Available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and PC.

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Links: Stray: Every Barter Item Location In The Slums – Tekmonk Bio, Stray: Every Barter Item Location In The Slums – Kungfutv, Stray: Every Barter Item Location In The Slums – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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