
Summer Homayed Age, Family, Net Worth, Survive the Raft

Summer Homayed Age, Family, Net Worth, Survive the Raft - networth, wiki, biography
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Summer Homayed may be loud, fierce and brutally honest, but she also likes to cook for her Survive the Raft castmates — which could be her strategy to get people to like her.

Get to know her better below.

Summer Homayed On Survive the Raft

Summer Homayed is one of the cast members of the Discovery Channel’s competition series, Survive the Raft. Known for her bubbly personality and strong determination, Summer is ready to embark on this unique social experiment set against the stunning backdrop of Panama’s Pearl Islands.

A mother, Summer understands the importance of protecting and supporting her loved ones, making her a natural “mama bear” figure among the strangers she will live and work with on the show. She brings an abundance of energy and a brutally honest approach to everything she does, which will no doubt add excitement and drama to the group dynamic.

Having grown up on the lake, Summer is also well versed in boating, fishing and basic survival skills. This gives her an advantage in navigating the challenges of life on a raft. What’s more, her background as a trained chef allows her to use her cooking skills strategically, aiming to win over her fellow contestants and foster a sense of camaraderie through shared meals.

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In an interview, the show’s host, Nate Boyer, praised the unique and special nature of Survive the Raft, and Summer was thrilled to be a part of this exciting adventure.

“Are you ready to watch the survival show of the year! Stay tuned @discovery,” she promoted the show on her IG.

As the series unfolds, viewers can expect to witness Summer’s passion, determination and dedication to teamwork, all of which will play a key role in determining who will share the shared prize money at the end of the nine-episode journey.

How much is Summer Homayed net worth?

Summer Homayed flaunted a net worth of under $450K.

As a culinary coach, Summer began his culinary journey with a fusion of American and Lebanese traditions in Dearborn Heights. Growing up in a large family, she enjoyed celebrations that included turkey and traditional Lebanese dishes. The cherished Lebanese tradition of serving lamb with rice, known as Kharouf, won her over with a two-day process of marinating and roasting to perfection.

She learned the art of cooking by watching her father, who owned the Arabian Village Bakery. After some time away from the culinary scene—pursuing a career in education and earning an associate’s degree in early childhood education—Summer returned to the kitchen and launched her homemade food business on Instagram, creating diverse menus with cultural fusions.

Now he caters to friends and neighbors, creating a diverse menu each week with a wonderful mix of cultural influences, just like family gatherings where American and Lebanese traditions intersect. Whether it’s chicken fettuccine alfredo or Kusa (stuffed squash), the heart of her meals lies in the love and care she puts into making each dish from scratch.

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In addition to cooking, Summer also worked as a gymnastics instructor at the Dearborn Civic Center for eight years.

Summer of the Homayed Age

Summer Homayed was 42 years old when she appeared in Survive the Raft 2023.

She was the oldest cast member that season.

Summer Homayed Family

Summer Homayed comes from a family of at least six, and she is the youngest.

Her mother, Susie Homayed, is a native of Dearborn Heights, Michigan who sometimes drives her crazy – but she knows that comes with age. Despite this, Summer admits that “there is no woman in the world who can” replace her mother.

As for her father, Esmaha Homayed (born: September 1947) was the owner of Arabian Village Bakery and also previously worked for Ford Motor Company. He immigrated to the US from Lebanon when he was 27 years old.

Sadly, Summer’s brother Mohamed Jamil Saleh Homayed passed away in March 2022. She was very close to him.

Likewise, Summer was close to her sister, 5 years older Julia Homayed Chammout (mother of four children).

Connie Kazan, from the Great Chocolate Showdown, is probably her sister too.

Is Summer Homayed Married?

Yes, Summer Homayed is married to her husband Jake Sareini @jsareini. The two celebrated their anniversary on December 6.

Her husband Jake Sareini (born April 30, 1969) is a former Marine. He made the news once in November 2015, thanks to his message to Donald Trump. After retirement, he worked as a T/L at Ford Motor Co.

On IG, Summer once joked her husband “can’t live without me.”

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Summer and Jake have four sons and a daughter together.

Their eldest turned 16 on September 19, 2022.

Summer Homayed Height

Summer Homayed is under 5 feet 6 inches (167 cm) tall.

Related FAQs

  • What is the nationality of Summer Homayed?

Summer is American. He is from Dearborn Heights, Michigan.

But her family is of Lebanese origin, and she is Muslim.

“Trump or anyone who needs to know I’m a Muslim. So to start and end with a very simple answer, ‘I wear my special identification mark on my head like Mary Mother of Jesus, peace be upon her,’ she once wrote on FB.

  • When is the summer birthday?

Summer celebrates her birthday on August 6.

  • Is summer celebrated on Instagram and Facebook?

Find her on Instagram @summers_homemade_meals and Facebook @summer.homayed.

Also, here’s her TikTok @summers_homemade_meals.

Categories: Biography

Links: Summer Homayed Age, Family, Net Worth, Survive the Raft – Tekmonk Bio, Summer Homayed Age, Family, Net Worth, Survive the Raft – Kungfutv, Summer Homayed Age, Family, Net Worth, Survive the Raft – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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