
Supervisor, US carriers fine of millions of euros to sell on customer data

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The American telecomwaakhond, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) wants to be American companies a total of more than 200 million us dollars (about 181

The American telecomwaakhond, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) wants to be American companies a total of more than 200 million us dollars (about 181 million euros) in fines as they have the location data of customers to be protected. This makes the market regulator on Friday announced.

the Four of Us carriers would be the location of a customer to a third party for the company, shall, to the FCC. There were not enough measures have been taken to ensure that the privacy of our customers and to ensure that the service providers are, according to the regulator, is not doing enough to prevent unauthorized access to the data is prevented. In addition, not all service providers in order to have permission to be asked from the customer before entering the data doorspeelden companies.

T-Mobile will get the highest penalty, with: more than 91 million u.s. dollars. AT&T will receive a fine of up to 57 million dollars for his choice, It is a fine of 48 million, and Sprint, it comes at a penalty of more than 12 million dollars.

now, The provider will be given the opportunity to take on the charges and the fines, the FCC has to respond to it. The supervisor will have the evidence and the legal arguments of the parties, then, in consideration of the fines and penalties can be claimed.

T-Mobile is said to be the Middle against the fine, to defend it. The other service providers do not yet have the decision of the FCC to respond.

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Date Of Update: 29 February 2020, 17:01

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Supervisor, US carriers fine of millions of euros to sell on customer data – Tekmonk Bio, Supervisor, US carriers fine of millions of euros to sell on customer data – Kungfutv, Supervisor, US carriers fine of millions of euros to sell on customer data – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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