
Ten Hag to be disappointed: The opportunity to go there, just not at this time

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Leading Ajax amsterdam suffered on Sunday, when Heracles (1-0), the third uitnederlaag in a row in the Premier league, but Erik ten Hag is refusing to give up h

Leading Ajax amsterdam suffered on Sunday, when Heracles (1-0), the third uitnederlaag in a row in the Premier league, but Erik ten Hag is refusing to give up hope. The coach of the Locals believe that his team could quickly turn a good run, to be a key players to return.

“We don’t know where the problems are. There are not at the moment, to attack it, but there are players at the back. There is also a little bit of creativity, and we also have to play better”, ” if At the Hag, in a conversation with FOX Sports.

Ajax, that is, among others, Hakim Ziyech, Quincy Promes, and David Neres was missing in Almelo, the netherlands, and had to rest, had little to fear from United. The Locals failed, however, to be scored and were up by a stunning run of Cyriel Dessers, in the 77th minute for a number of.

“of course I’m disappointed, because this was, once again, a totally unnecessary defeat,” said Ten Hag. “We had a lot of potential, but the results were not a problem. After that, there was a single moment of letting your guard down, and we lost them. The opportunity to go there, just not at this moment in time.”

players for a list of drop off in Almelo, the netherlands. (Photo: Pro-Shots) to Babylon: ‘I Have all the faith in you that’s better,’

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some of the dissonances in the Ajax, it was Ryan Babel, who, since his arrival in January, has not yet been able to convince you. “With the transfers in January, it is always a challenge, because there is very little time to get used to it. Ryan knows full well that it will be better. He is working very hard at training, I see great things for it, but in the game, it will not always be enough.”

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in Babylon, shares the view of Hag on his form. “It’s not what I can see, unfortunately, but I don’t have any faith that that’s still to come. In the games that we have points in them, we play as a collective is not very good, and that makes it much more difficult for me. I’m looking for, it would always be on my mind.

with the defeat of Ajax in the lead on the closest enemy a-Z of three points. The next week to play Ajax in a home match against the Alkmaarders (kick-off 20: 00), three days after the return against Barcelona in the champions League.

you can View the programme of the event, and the position in the Premier league.

Date Of Update: 23 February 2020, 20:01

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Ten Hag to be disappointed: The opportunity to go there, just not at this time – Tekmonk Bio, Ten Hag to be disappointed: The opportunity to go there, just not at this time – Kungfutv, Ten Hag to be disappointed: The opportunity to go there, just not at this time – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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