
Tesla’s Cybertruck set for summer delivery event

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Elon Musk said Wednesday that Tesla’s Cybertruck will finally hit the road this summer.

Speaking during the earnings call with investors, the Tesla boss said that deliveries for this strange electric pickup truck will take place in the third quarter of this year.

However, Musk added that large-scale production likely won’t begin until 2024.

“It takes time to get the production line up and running, and this is really a very radical product,” Tesla’s boss said during the call. “It’s not built the way other cars are built.”

He added that pricing and specifications for the Cybertruck will be revealed closer to the launch date, or perhaps at a delivery event. Pricing details were removed from Tesla’s website in late 2021, but at the time they showed three variants costing between $39,900 and $69,900, depending on features such as the number of electric motors, towing capacity and range. It is widely believed that the final price will be higher.

Earlier this month, Musk revealed that he spent a few hours on the Cybertruck production line at Giga Texas, tweeting, “It’s going to be awesome…feels like the future.”

However, in 2021, he also admitted that due to its extraordinary design, there is “some chance that Cybertruck will fail.”

Long wait

Tesla unveiled the Cybertruck in 2019. It originally targeted mass production of the electric vehicle by the end of 2021, but that date was pushed back to early 2022 before slipping again. It’s not the first delay Tesla has experienced with a vehicle launch, as its Semi electric truck, which finally hit the road in December, also arrived much later than expected.

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Reports indicate that the automaker has received more than a million pre-orders for the futuristic-looking Cybertruck. Customers are required to pay a $100 refundable deposit, and the company is still taking orders through its website.

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Links: Tesla’s Cybertruck set for summer delivery event – Tekmonk Bio, Tesla’s Cybertruck set for summer delivery event – Kungfutv, Tesla’s Cybertruck set for summer delivery event – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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