
The 10 Most Hilarious Invincible Memes

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It’s funny how memes can make the darkest things hilarious. It just seems to be a part of their nature to take a surprisingly brutal and dark movie or series and twist it into a funny image that can leave anyone rolling on the ground, especially a series like Invincible.

Starting off as a pretty simple coming-of-age superhero animated series, Invincible slowly became one of the most violent and gruesome shows on Amazon. Of course, it’s lead to some of the best memes to grace the internet.

Life Is Good… By EndlessMorfeus

It’s funny how, often, memes can crossover with one another in different ways. Whether it be a format or a phrase utilized in a simple or complex meme, the possibilities are endless, and EndlessMorfeus takes perfect advantage of it.

While Amazon has become well-known for the bloody and brutal superhero series The Boys and the manic villain Homelander, Invincible raised the bar for evil supermen and quite literally made things better with the debut of Omni-Man. Now, Invincible has become one of Amazon’s best superhero series.

Review Bomb By EddyTheMartian

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Reviewers can always be hard to please; everyone has their own opinions, and not all of their ideas or views on a product are going to gell together. EddyTheMartian seems to understand this more than anyone else with this perfect meme.

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Although differing opinions are welcome, just review bombing a series because one doesn’t like the gore or language isn’t the best of opinions. This meme encapsulates the feel many fans have when they see people doing this, making them feel a bit like Omni-Man.

Title Card Placement By Bakshup

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One of the strangest things to come out of Invincible is the title cards. Every title card opens with the show’s title, which increasingly gets bloodier, and a little excerpt explaining who created the comic. Funnily enough, the card appears anytime someone says Mark Grayson’s superheroes name.

Bakshup had the smarts to take advantage of the strange opening and joke around with it. Utilizing the likes of the villain Titan and his family, Bakshup adds onto the already ridiculous nature of the title card with the added bit on the creator’s name.

First Episode Ending By Rndomguy

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The surprise at the end of Invincibles first episode blew so many people’s minds; after a pretty lighthearted run with Mark coming into his powers and himself, the series took a dark turn with Omni-Man slaughtering the Guardians Of The Globe.

Rndomguy sums up the thought on audiences’ minds perfectly to Omni-Man destroying the apparent counterpart to the Justice League. If anything, it stands as one of the best episde endings in the series, and maybe in all of television

Identity Theft By DetlefvonAdenauer

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Taken out of context, there are so many moments in the Invincible series that stand out and shine among the rest. Halfway through the first season, the robot known simply as “Robot” transfers himself into the cloned body of the hero of Teen Team, Rex Splode.

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Rex’s reaction is understandably upset and confused by the ordeal, mirroring a scene from The Office that DetlefvonAdenauer recreates, with the added bonus of replacing Jim’s name with Robot for that good old identity theft humor.

Think Vision, Think By HenryTungsten

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Out of all the Invincible memes to come out of the series, the best one has become the “Think Mark” meme. Although the lines changed a bit from the comic, the scene of the two Viltrumites Omni-Man and Mark screaming has become an icon of memes.

Combining the worlds of Image comics and Marvel, HenryTungsten creates just one of hundreds of Think Mark memes and crafts a worthwhile joke that’s sure to join the pantheon of other great memes.

Amber Tweet By Phillip

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There are plenty of likable characters in the world of Invincible, but, for many fans, Amber is not one of them. While she and Mark had a decent relationship, Amber’s overall attitude and stance on Mark being a hero were pretty annoying.

Phillip decided to take advantage of that and showcase some of Ambers’s worse qualities. As Mark was being beaten to death by an angry space Cat, Amber was thinking about how he couldn’t make time for her. Honestly, she may be one of the worst villains of the series.

Goals Really Do Change Someone By Baker8011

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Probably one of the best spot-on casting decisions of all time would be J.K Simmons and Omni-Man. While being an immortal Viltrumite has become his new best role, no one forgets his times J Jonah Jameson and his intense reactions to Spider-Man.

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As Baker8011 points out, it’s pretty funny how Simmons went from being the owner of a newspaper company that despised heroes to a hero himself. Whether it was to get those sweet Spidey photos himself or something else, it’s a hilarious parallel between the characters.

Pictures Of Spider-Man By idkhtousethespacebar

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Combining Spider-Man with the world of Invincible in the likes of memes is honestly a genius idea. Going beyond J.K Simmons taking on the two roles, audiences have gone beyond and compared Omni-Man directly to Jameson.

Idkhtousethespacebar took the best advantage of this idea by utilizing Omni-Man in the Wolverine photo meme, the two of which work oddly well together.

You’re Gonna Have To Go Through Us By Konafire13

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While the ending of the first episode shook audiences to their cores, the train scene from the final episode has become one of the more brutal and vicious scenes to date. Omni-Man using Mark as a battering ram and killing hundreds of people is disturbing, yet somehow familiar.

Konafire13 noticed the similarities between the two train scenes from Invincible and the second Sam Raimi Spider-Man movie. Adding a dark spin on things and making Doc Ock the super-powered J Jonah Jameson, and fans have a meme for the ages.

Links: The 10 Most Hilarious Invincible Memes – Tekmonk Bio, The 10 Most Hilarious Invincible Memes – Kungfutv, The 10 Most Hilarious Invincible Memes – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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