
The Batman: Ranking Every Live-Action Catwoman Costume, According To Ranker

The Batman: Ranking Every Live-Action Catwoman Costume, According To Ranker - networth, wiki, biography
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Catwoman is one of Batman’s most popular enemies and allies, depending on which side of the law she is on. Many actresses have played Catwoman over the years, and much like Batman, each one has brought their own spin to the character, as well as their own unique costume.

With Zoë Kravitz being the most recent to take up the mantle in The Batman, the internet is once again discussing how her version’s more modern look compares to the others throughout the years. Minus the newest Zoë Kravitz look, Ranker has also listed their picks of the best Catwoman suits, from Anne Hathaway to Eartha Kitt.

Halle Berry (Catwoman)

2004’s Catwoman was a huge shift from the usual portrayals of the character. Instead of playing the usual Selina Kyle incarnation, Halle Berry played an original character named Patience Phillips. Fitting in with the change of character, Berry’s Catwoman suit was also very different from the rest.

Consisting of little more than leather leggings, a bra, and a mask, the Halle Berry costume is definitely one of the more recognizable Catwoman outfits. It was polarizing though, with some fans appreciating its boldness and many calling it out as impractical and over-sexualized. It may be Ranker’s lowest choice, but since Catwoman is often considered one of the worst superhero movies ever, this costume is likely one of the few aspects of the movie people remember.

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Casey Elizabeth Easlick (Birds of Prey)

Maggie Baird as Catwoman in Birds of Prey

Not many people likely remember the short-lived 2002 TV show Birds of Prey, but Ranker made sure not to leave it out. The series centers on the titular Birds of Prey group of superheroes led by Batman and Catwoman’s daughter Helena.

Catwoman herself makes an appearance in flashbacks of the pilot episode, but her role is unfortunately about as short-lived as the rest of the show. Her costume is an homage to the most famous Catwoman suit of all, only altered so that her hair is visible instead of covered. The outfit is a solid likeness of its predecessor but doesn’t get much time to shine.

Camren Bicondova (Gotham)

Camren Bicondova as Selina Kyle in Gotham

The TV series Gotham was a reimagining of most of the beloved Batman characters, and Catwoman was no different. Taking the same approach they did with Bruce Wayne, the show’s version of Selina Kyle, AKA Cat, is much younger and less experienced. She was a complex character and fans both hated and sympathized with Cat.

For the first several seasons her costume was not much of a costume at all, but more practical clothing with a leather jacket, hood, and goggles. It was a far cry from the typical look but was fitting for the show’s universe. As the series progressed she was given a more comics-based outfit, with a black suit and mask.

Eartha Kitt (Batman)

Eartha Kitt as Catwoman on the phone in the Batman 1966 series

Eartha Kitt was the second actress to portray Catwoman in the 1960’s Batman TV show. Kitt differentiated herself from her predecessor Julie Newmar not only through her more aggressive portrayal of the character but also through the costume.

The costumes worn by Julie Newmar and Eartha Kitt are very similar – not quite the exact same but very close. The sleek black suit was both stylish and accurate to the source material. The biggest change was to the character’s hair, with Kitt’s Catwoman holding up the famous cat ears with a line of braids that almost worked as an accessory of their own.

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Lee Meriwether (Batman)

Lee Meriwether as Catwoman in the 1960s Batman movie

Taking over from Julie Newmar but stepping in before Eartha Kitt, Lee Meriwether was the second actress to play Catwoman for the feature film based on the ’60s Batman show. Meriwether’s suit was virtually unchanged from the original version in the show.

Meriwether’s costume did make one monumental change to the suit however, it popularized the famous mask to the ensemble that became a staple of the character afterward. It may be a small thing, but the mask helped to add that extra little something to the ensemble.

Anne Hathaway (The Dark Knight Rises)

Anne Hathaway as Catwoman speaking with Batman on a rooftop in The Dark Knight Rises

Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy was a much more grounded take on the Batman universe, and the costuming was no exception. Like Christian Bale’s Batman suit, Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman outfit was a modern update of the classic costume.

The suit ditched the leather for a more practical material but kept the sleek black bodysuit that is so synonymous with the character. The suit even managed to find a fitting use for Selina Kyle’s cat ears, having them fold down into night vision goggles.

Julie Newmar (Batman)

Julie Newmar as Catwoman in Batman

The first actress to ever play Catwoman on-screen, Julie Newmar’s original Catwoman costume set the bar for all of the others that would come later. Her outfit introduced most of the elements that are so recognizable to the character. The look may have been from the comics, but this was the first time it had been truly brought to life.

Newmar’s costume introduced the trademark bodysuit and the cat ears, along with a plethora of gold and metallic accents to add a little more flair to the already flashy look. The outfit was stylish and provocative, and was even displayed in the Smithsonian for a time. It was fitting that this costume should feature in some of the best TV episodes to feature Catwoman.

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Michelle Pfeiffer (Batman Returns)

Catwoman speaks working with villains in Batman Returns

Out of every incarnation of Catwoman to hit the big or small screen, none are as recognizable or iconic as Michelle Pfeiffer’s costume from Tim Burton’s Batman Returns. It has remained the definitive look for the character since the movie’s release and was worn by arguably the best Catwoman actress.

Not only did the skintight leather bodysuit fit in perfectly with Burton’s dark, stylized version of Gotham City, but it was also fantastically faithful to the classic look from the comics as well. Combined with Michelle Pfeiffer’s excellent acting, the Batman Returns costume is the best live-action Catwoman costume ever put to film.

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Links: The Batman: Ranking Every Live-Action Catwoman Costume, According To Ranker – Tekmonk Bio, The Batman: Ranking Every Live-Action Catwoman Costume, According To Ranker – Kungfutv, The Batman: Ranking Every Live-Action Catwoman Costume, According To Ranker – Blogtomoney

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