
The best Moto G Power cases and covers

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The Moto G Power (2021) is Motorola’s budget smartphone for this year, costing $200 yet offering a huge 5,000mAh battery and an inviting 6.6-inch screen. With a tidy edge-to-edge display, it also looks the part, although if you lack a suitably reliable case, you may sooner or later blemish its attractive design. Fortunately, we’ve put together a list of the best Moto G Power (2021) cases, so you won’t have to worry so much about accidental falls and knocks.

UAG Scout Case

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Urban Armor Gear makes some of the most rugged smartphone cases around, and this Scout case for the Moto G Power (2021) certainly continues its fine tradition. Its dual-layer build marries an impact-resistant soft core with a harder outer shell, which together prevent surface damage and scratches. If that weren’t enough, it includes a non-slip surface and also raised edges, which help to keep your phone’s screen out of harm’s way. UAG also says it can be sanitized with medical-grade wipes and disinfectants repeatedly, without smudging it or altering how it looks.

Itskins Spectrum Clear Antimicrobial Case

The best Moto G Power cases and covers 1Image used with permission by copyright holder

Here’s a very nice transparent case that will show off your Moto G Power’s good looks while keeping it in one piece. It’s made from Itskins’ Impacthane polymer material, which together with built-in air cushions will protect your phone from drops of up to 10 feet. It also includes raised bezels to protect the G Power’s screen and cameras, while the antimicrobial coating will kill up to 99.99% of microbes that happen to parachute onto the device. As an added bonus, it’s very slim, so you’ll be able to get it in and out of your pocket without needing to wrestle your jeans.

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Spigen Rugged Armor Case

The best Moto G Power cases and covers 2Image used with permission by copyright holder

Spigen is one of the most well-known brands in the smartphone case industry, and with good reason. Its Rugged Armor Case for the Moto G Power (2021) combines the best of both worlds, being a slimline cover that also provides a serious level of protection. It’s built from a mix of flexible TPU and carbon fiber, which enable it to absorb all manner of shocks and falls. It also includes the obligatory raised lip, so that the phone never lands directly on its screen or camera module when dropped. To top things off, its tactile buttons ensure that you can use the phone exactly as normal.

Pulen Slim Soft TPU Transparent Case

The best Moto G Power cases and covers 3Image used with permission by copyright holder

This is an ultra-thin case that’s also highly transparent, letting you bask in the glow of the Moto G Power’s actual body. It’s made of high-grade TPU, which is flexible enough to wrap easily and snugly around the phone, but also hard and durable enough to resist scratches and fall damage. Each of its four corners come with an air cushion, adding extra protection in the case of drops, while there are precise cutouts for all of the phone’s buttons and ports.

Simicoo Leather Flip Wallet Case

The best Moto G Power cases and covers 4Image used with permission by copyright holder

Leather wallet cases are a dime a dozen these days, but this number from Simicoo is one of the most tasteful and useful of the bunch. It’s composed of quilted distressed leather and an underlying silicon layer, providing dual protection while also decorating your phone. The case folds out to open like a book, letting you stand up your phone to watch films or call friends, while you can also house two credit/ID cards and put banknotes in a third slot. What’s more, the case closes securely thanks to a strong magnetic closure, so there’s little risk of it suddenly spilling open.

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Editors’ Recommendations

Categories: GAMING

Links: The best Moto G Power cases and covers – Tekmonk Bio, The best Moto G Power cases and covers – Kungfutv, The best Moto G Power cases and covers – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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