
The best movies on Kanopy right now

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We could all use an adventure in these difficult times, and that’s where Kanopy steps in. The online streaming service is a kind of educational platform with a focus on documentaries, education and indie cinema. Compared to other streaming services, Kanopy puts more focus on enriching and fulfilling knowledge and culture. It features a range of subjects and categories, from science to history to LGBTQ culture and technology. Best of all, it’s completely free for those with a library card or university accreditation.

There’s a lot to discover on Kanopy, but for those new to the platform, here are some of the better free movies to stream.

Further reading

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Before the Rooster Crows: A Puerto Rican Coming of Age Story

Life can change plans, and for Carmen, those plans change drastically. She originally headed to the American mainland to be with her mom, but a sudden turn of events leaves her stranded on an island with her strict, conservative grandmother. Now living in the mountainous region of Barranquitas, Carmin learns many lessons in the absence of a normal teenage life.

There aren’t many coming-of-age stories that come out of Latin America, let alone Puerto Rico. Director Arí Manuel Cruz and screenwriter Kisha Tikina Burgos deliver a gritty, conflicted drama about a woman coming to terms with what’s happening to her, led by an unflinching performance from actress Miranda Purcell. Before the Rooster Crows: A Puerto Rican Coming of Age Story is a familiar but refreshing story, set on the island of Puerto Rico.

The best movies on Kanopy right now 1

Eyes in the sky

War never changes, but the way it is fought always changes. Under the cover of special forces warfare, a super-secret drone operation is underway in Kenya. Colonel Katherine Powell leads an operation to stop an incredibly dangerous terrorist network deep in the heart of the country. To achieve this, drones are at the forefront, delivering deadly surgical strikes, but also putting civilians at risk. When a 9-year-old girl enters the field of operation, an international dispute will be sparked, creating a catastrophe of moral, political and personal conflict. Helen Mirren leads this gritty military thriller alongside Aaron Paul and the late great Alan Rickman. Through his talents, Eyes in the sky provides a haunting yet realistic portrayal of the new age of modern warfare, along with the toll it takes on military pilots and innocent civilians.

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The best movies on Kanopy right now 2Image used with permission of the copyright holder

Logan Lucky

It’s a high-profile heist, but not where you’d expect. Recently fired from his job, Jimmy Logan falls on hard times. With no money and no other options, going to a bar with his brother helps Clyde, but in a fight with the owner of the NASCAR team, his car is set on fire. Seeking revenge and a big payday, Jimmy turns to Clyde and assembles a rogue team of renegade professionals to infiltrate the Charlotte Motor Speedway for one of the strangest heists ever attempted. Rising actor Adam Driver stars in this wildly eclectic heist film from director Steven Soderbergh. Starring Channing Tatum and Seth MacFarlane, Logan Lucky is an eclectic and highly entertaining heist comedy that delivers the excitement, wit and mood you’d expect from the film’s director. oceans franchise.

The best movies on Kanopy right now 3Image used with permission of the copyright holder

Seven Samurai

From Seven Magnificent to The Mandalorianinfluences and influences in 1954 Seven Samurai are huge. Considered one of the most exciting and sweeping epics of all time, Seven Samurai tells the story of a 16th-century village whose inhabitants suffer from the terror of ruthless bandits. With no one else to turn to, the villagers beg a group of aimless samurai to take up their swords and defend the village. Seven Samurai was directed by Akira Kurosawa, whose film style was remarkably ahead of its time. This three-hour epic paved the way for hundreds of stories in pop culture as it weaves together themes of honor, hope, heroism and sacrifice in the face of great injustice.

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The best movies on Kanopy right now 4Image used with permission of the copyright holder


The year is 1959 and it is the height of the Cold War. There is little difference between a nuclear missile and a manned rocket, and the Russians have sent their first man into space. Space will soon become the new arena for waging world war. The UK launches its first manned mission into space, but the capsule breaks down and the astronaut has to deal with the effects of low oxygen. It’s a dangerous race against time as oxygen runs out.

This Cold War thriller was nominated for Best Story at Venice Film Week and won Best Science Fiction at the American Movie Awards. Capsule is a fictional but mesmerizing picture of the early days of space travel and the looming threat of the Cold War.

The best movies on Kanopy right now 5Image used with permission of the copyright holder

Yamasong March of Hollows

In a strange land of fantasy and nature, a lonely robot girl pairs up with a fierce turtle as a serious threat looms over them. A sinister mechanized army stands before them, ready to destroy everything in its path. The hope for the future lies in securing an ancient, legendary relic that can defeat the army and save the creatures of their home world. With each other – and a group of reluctant outlaws – hope for the future lies in courage. Yamasong March of Hollows uses a combination of animation and modern puppetry to tell its fantastic story in its wondrous world. Yamasong March of Hollows also features an incredibly talented voice cast, including Whoopi Goldberg, Peter Cullen, George Takei, Nathan Fillion, and Abigail Breslin, among others.

The best movies on Kanopy right now 6Image used with permission of the copyright holder

Storm boy

Loss and grief are never easy, but you can find comfort and hope in the most unlikely of places. Michael Kingsley is a recently retired businessman and while enjoying his new found jobless life, he runs into his granddaughter and tells her the story of his friendship with an orphaned pelican named Mister Percival. Storm Boy is based on the novel of the same name by Colin Thiel, and the film is powered by a performance by Geoffery Rush. The story and its themes of grief, loss and unconditional love were the hallmarks of the book and taught readers valuable lessons. In addition to the release of this latest film adaptation, Storm Boy was recently adapted into a video game for modern consoles and systems by Blowfish Studios.

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The best movies on Kanopy right now 7Image used with permission of the copyright holder


It is the middle of the night and darkness envelops the road. When a recently divorced mother and her wayward daughter venture on an emergency road trip into the night, tragedy strikes in the form of a crash. While they are fine, their vehicle is disabled. Suddenly, a strange, mysterious creature stalks them in the dark. With only the inside of their car to defend, mother and daughter are desperate to survive this strange and unknown threat. The monster evokes a kind of old-fashioned horror that plays on childhood fears with a sense of fun unease and stark simplicity. The monster is driven by the sharp direction and pacing of filmmaker Bryan Bertin, who wrote and directed 2008’s Strangers.

The best movies on Kanopy right now 8Image used with permission of the copyright holder


The quiet, withdrawn Adam spends his life as a college lecturer with a troubled personal life. His relationship with his current partner ends and his life seems unfulfilled. Suddenly, watching an older movie on the recommendation of one of his students, Adam sees an actor who looks almost identical to him. Adam finds the actor and begins to engage in a dangerous and twisted plan of madness and manipulation. Enemy is a surreal psychological thriller about identity and personality. Jake Gyllenhaal gives a sly and uneasy performance, guided by visionary director Dennis Villeneuve, whose credits include Sicario, Arrival, Blade Runner 2049 and the upcoming sci-fi epic, Dune.

Editor’s recommendations

Categories: GAMING

Links: The best movies on Kanopy right now – Tekmonk Bio, The best movies on Kanopy right now – Kungfutv, The best movies on Kanopy right now – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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