
The controversial exhibition, like going to the city of Gothenburg

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The exhibition is called ‘Real human bodies’, and it is made up of the bodies and body parts of dead people. the exhibition has already toured Europe several times

The exhibition is called ‘Real human bodies’, and it is made up of the bodies and body parts of dead people.

The exhibition toured Europe for several years, and in the fall came to Västerås and Örebro, Sweden. It was the organizer of the event, who runs around the carcass of the truck, confirmed the time for NA that it comes from the medical kroopsdonation program in the United States.

“These are exactly the kinds of questions we asked to get this right, and they were donated on a voluntary basis,” says GT’s Park Avenue managing director, Camilla Nyman.

and similar to anatomical exhibitions, it received praise from critics, including, among others, the Swedish Medical Association. This criticism has been applied to doubts about the origin of cropars, and volunteer egg donors really know what will happen to their remains.

Earlier this year, there was an exhibition in Sweden at the last second. Also, in 2016, exhibitions were projected in Gothenburg and Borås, in. Difficulties in reaching promoters and non-payment were said to be the cause.

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: The controversial exhibition, like going to the city of Gothenburg – Tekmonk Bio, The controversial exhibition, like going to the city of Gothenburg – Kungfutv, The controversial exhibition, like going to the city of Gothenburg – Blogtomoney

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