
The defence knew that the bombing in Hawija direction could be calculated as

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The Ministry of Defense knew more about the bombing of the Iraqi city of Hawija in 2015 than the risk assessment indicated. This is evident from fr

The Ministry of Defense knew more about the bombing of the Iraqi city of Hawija in 2015 than the risk assessment indicated. This is evident from the documents that the central government published on Monday. As a result of the bombing, at least seventy civilians were killed.

The document states that a “Collateral Damage Assessment” (C) is being done before the war. This will be calculated and what are the risks that the attack will bring.

In addition, the C’s looked to the defense for the offense, which has had some additional explosions in the past, as a result of the bombs for the damage it would cause. It was found that the damage from the bombing was greater than C had to be calculated.

However, it is expected that this damage will be inside the complex, and will continue to be, which the Defense wanted to attack. Also, the mission is only in material damage must be conducted, by the middle of the night it was completed. The officer had to determine whether or not the attack would take place, he decided that the military advantage was more important than the possible damage.

The pilot, whose mission was to be carried out, according to the Ministry of Defense, is an attack, clean and error-free, running”. Also, the exact target would have been hit. Collateral damage from the mission, reduced to 400 buildings.

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The government hid the killed civilians for a long time,

In June 2015, a Dutch F-16 bombed the bombenfabriek. The attack was in a residential area was destroyed. The factory turned out to be much more explosive than previously thought.

There were at least seventy dead. Also got about a hundred people were injured. The Dutch government decided to recognize in October, after all the civilians killed had been previously listed.

please See: what is new is that the civilians killed in Hawija are not remembered?

Date of update: February 18, 2020, 03:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: The defence knew that the bombing in Hawija direction could be calculated as – Tekmonk Bio, The defence knew that the bombing in Hawija direction could be calculated as – Kungfutv, The defence knew that the bombing in Hawija direction could be calculated as – Blogtomoney

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