
The foundation wants to be one thousand to leave the French plattelandscafés to breathe new life into

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as A French association to recruit people who are willing to leave dorpscafés to re-open. It is their job to put some life back into a little corner of ” La Fr

as A French association to recruit people who are willing to leave dorpscafés to re-open. It is their job to put some life back into a little corner of ” La France Oublieé, that is Forgotten in France.

Thomas Sureau, and his partner, Lisa, Buisine, names of Tuesday, the keys to an abandoned pub in Congrier, a village of nine hundred inhabitants, in the western region of Pays de la Loire, in no time.

The former owners of Le Chêne Vert (The Green Oak-tree), which is also in the newspapers, and cigarettes are sold, let for the shutters, in december 2018, with the last bags, which the village is no central meeting place, and came to sit down.

a Large drain on the French country side of The fate of Congrier is mirrored by that of many small towns and villages in the French countryside, where the use of vacant buildings and empty display cases and the slow decline of the local middle class to see.

the Sureau, and Buisine have been selected by the company with the SOS, which specializes in the management of social projects, and this year, a hundred bars, in class, villages would re-open.

“We don’t just have a café to run,” said Buisine, surrounded by moving boxes into the house, where she and her husband, the town mayor, and six months of free rent of living, while they’re trying to be the café, which was once the social centre of the village back to life.

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“We have to go to a post office to open a small shop, and there is a games room with a pool table and a darts board. We are going to theme parties to organize, and on Sunday roasted chicken, to offer to the people who have come back from the bad one.”

Lisa, Buisine, Thomas Sureau, and their daughter, Adeona for their future, village pub, in Congrier. (Photo: Reuters) Not to be created more in half from the town,

Many of the French towns against the rocks on some of the local middle class to the rescue, at the age of internetshoppen, and the big square shaped store is just outside of the larger towns and cities being built. More than one-half of the town has no grocery store and more.

with The decline of local services and a sense of abandonment in the village of Congrier, were the factors behind the deep-seated rage, which is the so-called Yellow Shirts movement did rise, if the public rose up against the French, the president and Emmanuel Macron.

That anti-government protests led system in France for several months, and had seen that a lot of people who are outside of the big cities are finding that their communities are being eroded and ignored by Paris, france.

“We need desperately to have a cozy meeting place is needed,” said the mayor of Congrier, Hervé Tison. “I saw the people in the pub who I never see.”

a Lot of interest in caféproject

The project, which is 1,000 bars is reasonable, and has requests from the 550 to the villages to help the local coffee shop to revive him. If a thousand people have signed up for such an establishment to operate.

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the Sureau, and Buisine, paid nothing to the bar itself, in addition to the six-month woninghuur that they are a gift given, the church 10,000 euros in the renovation of what’s going to happen.

it is an honor to be in march to go on, much to the delight of their neighbors. “In small villages like ours, you’ve got action,” according to the retired couple, Marie-Paule and Claude.

Date Of Update: 18 February 2020, 18:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: The foundation wants to be one thousand to leave the French plattelandscafés to breathe new life into – Tekmonk Bio, The foundation wants to be one thousand to leave the French plattelandscafés to breathe new life into – Kungfutv, The foundation wants to be one thousand to leave the French plattelandscafés to breathe new life into – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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