
The Nun 2 Ending Explained: How It Sets Up The Conjuring Universe’s Future

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  • The ending of “The Sister 2” reveals Valak’s history and hints that he will return in a future “Conjuring” movie.
  • Valak sought divine power from the eyes of Saint Lucy, but was ultimately defeated by the power of faith and the blood of Christ.
  • The film hinted at a possible connection between Sister Eileen and Lorraine Warren, setting the stage for future films in the Conjuring universe.

Warning: The following contains serious spoilers for The Sister 2!Nun 2’s The finale delved deeper into the titular demon’s history and hinted at Valak’s possible return spiritualism Movie. The sequel tells the story four years later, at the end of the original, with Valak fleeing Romania after possessing kind handyman Francie (Jonas Bloquet). This time the devil is looking for Saint Lucy’s eyes, which will grant it unimaginable power. When the Church realizes that Valak has upsetting intentions, they send returning hero Sister Irene (Taissa Farmiga) and newcomer Sister Debra (Storm Reed) to France to stop the evil once again. nun.

It turns out that Francie is working at a boarding school with hidden eyes, and in the end, Erin and Debra race against time to stop Valak and save her old friend. All hell breaks loose at the boarding school, as Erin and Debra confront the nun after she retrieves the relic.With a little creative thinking, they destroy the monster, and Franky (seems to) escapes Valak’s possession and nun 2 Finally he and Irene say goodbye to each other again.

How Valak was defeated (was the Demonic Sister destroyed?)

Earlier in the story, Erin and Debra talk about how the power of their faith transformed the holy wine into the blood of Christ. Debra was skeptical about becoming a nun and had difficulty believing in the concepts, saying she needed to witness a miracle first.from start to finish nun 2, Debra has seen a lot to prove the existence of God and the Devil, and when she and Irene confront Valak in the cellar of the boarding school, she claims to finally see “Miracle“Irene miraculously survived when she was burned alive.

Her faith was restored, and Debra and Erin prayed together, turning the wine barrels in the cellar into the blood of Christ. The barrel then explodes, spilling the “blood” on the nun, causing the demon to melt.While the demon has been defeated for now, there’s no doubt Valak will return in some way in the future magic universe Movie.

Why Valak Wants the Eye of Saint Lucy in The Sister 2

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Saint Lucy was a fifth-century Christian martyr known as the patron saint of the blind because some versions of Lucy’s story involve her eyes being removed, either by herself or her persecutors. Some versions also claim that she was not burned when they tried to set her on fire. Lucy was stabbed through the neck with a sword and was eventually killed, but despite her eyes being gouged out, when the body was prepared for burial it was discovered that her eyes had mysteriously returned.

That’s why she became the patron saint of the blind nun 2 Valak seeks the divine power held by the Eye. The sequel brings up the idea that Valak was once an angel banished by God, and that restoring Saint Lucy’s eyes would restore her former powers. What exactly the Sisters would do with these powers was never made clear, and while the demon successfully absorbed them, it was quickly defeated.

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One of the biggest questions surrounding the first film was whether Erin Spiritual Lorraine Warren (Vera Farmiga) — or if Erin yes Lorraine. Vera Farmiga’s sister Tessa playing Erin doesn’t feel like an accident, but sadly, nun 2 There’s no confirmation if or how these characters are related, though it’s strongly hinted at as such. Throughout the sequel, Erin keeps seeing Saint Lucy and her martyrdom, and Erin gradually realizes that she is a descendant of Lucy.

She then has a series of flashbacks to others from other bloodlines, including her mother and – very briefly – Lorraine. The movie doesn’t follow up on this, but it’s clearly hinted that Erin and Lorraine did have a relationship. It’s increasingly unlikely that Eileen is young Lorraine, given their inconsistent backstories, but future entries will undoubtedly clarify their connection once and for all.

What happened to Father Burke after The Nun?

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the original nun Sister Erin teamed up with Demian Bichir’s father, Burke, who didn’t appear in the sequel.he won’t come back magic universe Sadly, it will happen soon. nun 2 It is revealed that Burke became a bishop after the events of the original book, but died of cholera shortly afterwards. That’s why the church came to Erin because she was the only one who fought the demon and survived.

How The Nun 2’s Ending Affects The Nun 3

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Nun 2’s The ending hardly directly establishes a possible nun 3. As the end credits roll, Valak is (again) defeated by the blood of Christ, and Franky is also freed from the demonic influence four years later.Considering Valak was the main villain of 2016 The Conjuring 2 – takes place 20 years after the events nun 2 – It is clear that the demon’s defeat is not permanent, although it seems to be stripped of the power bestowed by the Eye of Saint Lucy.

The Warrens also ended up performing an exorcism on Franky, so it doesn’t look like he’s completely free from Valack’s influence.Now that the series itself is a decade old, there seems to be an effort to tie it up nun back to main program spiritualism Movie.This could mean the Warrens themselves show up in Nun 3or Valak fell back into the habit The Conjuring 4.

‘The Nun 2’ End Credits Brings the Warrens Back

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nun 2 A scene in the post-credits scene takes viewers back to the Warrens’ home, where Patrick Wilson’s Ed has a heated phone conversation with a priest. It’s a brief scene that offers little context, including where it takes place in the timeline. Did this call set the stage for their first encounter with Valak? The Conjuring 2, or the call to exorcise Franky seen in the first entry?it may even establish a fourth call, even though Ed looks noticeably younger than he does in the third film. Perhaps this ambiguity gives the filmmakers some leeway as they develop the next chapter.

The Real Meaning of The Nun 2’s Ending

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a big theme nun 2 Including believing that goodness will prevail in the end, no matter how hopeless things may seem. Sister Debra learns to embrace her faith despite her doubts about the life she is about to embark on, but after witnessing Erin survive her burns, Debra learns to believe in a higher power and that evil can Defeated. Likewise, Erin must believe that her friend Franky can escape Valak’s influence, even though that seems impossible. At the end of the story, Erin manages to save him – at least temporarily – and everyone at the boarding school.

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