
The Spanish nightlife is just behind and offers to apologize after the parade, with the Holocaustthema

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Spanish nightlife is just behind during the parade began with a Holocaustthema on Wednesday to apologize, after their performance, up to a lot of commotion in t

Spanish nightlife is just behind during the parade began with a Holocaustthema on Wednesday to apologize, after their performance, up to a lot of commotion in the Jewish mensenrechtengroepen, and the embassy of Israel in Madrid, spain.

The association is performed using a gas chamber as a float. The members were dressed up as nazisoldaten with the guns, and the prisoners were dressed in the uniforms of the concentration camps.

The group, has apologised to the Jewish community in Spain, the carnival in the village of Campo de Criptana, about 110 miles south-south-east of the capital, Madrid. “We offer our sincere apologies for all the trouble we’ve caused you. Our intentions were good, we didn’t hate the call,” says the president of the carnival association. A spokesman for the organization of the parade, says that the group of the victims of the Holocaust and wanted to honor them.

The Israeli embassy in Madrid, the show, condemned it and called it “foul and evil”. According to the embassy, it makes the act of the six million Jews who were murdered by the nazis, that’s just ridiculous. The minister of Foreign Affairs, Arancha Laya, said that the parade does not take seriously the history of the Holocaust”.

All of the workers that are still planned, were part of the group has been cancelled. Also, the Facebook page of the group.

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Last Sunday, a carnival parade in the Belgian Brussels is under attack. The procession came to a Jewish cartoons over. There was a lot of controversy over the cartoons. Several Jewish organizations condemned the use of Jewish stereotypes.

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Date Of Update: 26 February 2020, 22:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: The Spanish nightlife is just behind and offers to apologize after the parade, with the Holocaustthema – Tekmonk Bio, The Spanish nightlife is just behind and offers to apologize after the parade, with the Holocaustthema – Kungfutv, The Spanish nightlife is just behind and offers to apologize after the parade, with the Holocaustthema – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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