
This Canon printer is $39 and in stock at Walmart today

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When it comes to printer deals, you can’t really beat being able to buy a Canon Pixma wireless all-in-one printer for just $39. A saving of $10 when you buy it from Walmart, it’s a pretty great deal. Even better, buy it today and you’ll get it in time for Christmas. Ideal for a gift idea or for printing out fun Christmas things, you’re really going to want to set aside $39 for this great printer. Buy it now while stocks last. It’s likely to sell out soon at this price.

The Canon Pixma TS3522 offers both printing and scanning facilities making it worth checking out if you’ve been eying the best all-in-one printers and can’t make up your mind which one to buy. It offers all the basics you could need at a low price. It even comes with free photo paper — 50 sheets in all!

At its heart is its ability to print and scan. Easy to set up and easy to use, you can hook all your devices up via Wi-Fi, even making it possible to print directly from your Apple devices or Android gadgets. A simple to use 1.5-inch LCD screen offers straightforward buttons so you can easily adjust settings directly, or you can use the relevant apps to get things done.

As the Canon Pixma TS3522 isn’t just a printer, you can also use it to quickly scan or copy documents before transferring them to your smartphone, tablet, or computer. It’s ideal for a simple home office environment or if you need to print and scan for the kids. A rear tray makes it easy to reload paper whether you’re using plain or photo paper. Alongside that is the flatbed scanner which works in a convenient manner.

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Super convenient and simple in every way, the Canon Pixma TS3522 is down to just $39 at Walmart for a limited time only. Normally priced at $49, we can’t guarantee how long this offer will stick around. What we do know is that it’s a great price for a budget-priced printer so you won’t be disappointed with your purchase. Buy it now while you still can.

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Categories: GAMING

Links: This Canon printer is $39 and in stock at Walmart today – Tekmonk Bio, This Canon printer is $39 and in stock at Walmart today – Kungfutv, This Canon printer is $39 and in stock at Walmart today – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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