
Tidworth death: Boy, 11, dies after ‘incident’ at Wiltshire skate park as locals left devastated

Tidworth death: Boy, 11, dies after ‘incident’ at Wiltshire skate park as locals left devastated - networth, wiki, biography
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A BOY has died after an “incident” at a skate park – leaving locals devastated.

Emergency services rushed to the scene on St Andrews Road, Tidworth, Wiltshire, on Friday.


Emergency services rushed to the scene on St Andrews Road, Wiltshire, on Friday

Upon their arrival they found an 11-year-old boy who needed medical attention.

Despite the best efforts of paramedics, the youngster could not be saved and died at the skate park.

It is not yet known what happened.

Cops say the boy’s family are now being supported by specialist officers.

A Wiltshire Police spokesman said: “We were called by the ambulance service shortly after 8.15pm on Friday, August 18 to St Andrews Road in Tidworth following a report of an incident involving an 11-year-old boy. 

“The boy was treated by paramedics but sadly died.

“His family are being supported by our specialist-trained officers and our thoughts are with them at this extremely difficult time.”

Categories: Optical Illusion

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Links: Tidworth death: Boy, 11, dies after ‘incident’ at Wiltshire skate park as locals left devastated – Tekmonk Bio, Tidworth death: Boy, 11, dies after ‘incident’ at Wiltshire skate park as locals left devastated – Kungfutv, Tidworth death: Boy, 11, dies after ‘incident’ at Wiltshire skate park as locals left devastated – Blogtomoney

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