
TikTok knew of an Australian account that is suspected paedophiles tracked down

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Video in-app, TikTok has an Australian account with thousands of followers to be removed, writes The Guardian. The account has posted videos in which an alleged

Video in-app, TikTok has an Australian account with thousands of followers to be removed, writes The Guardian. The account has posted videos in which an alleged pedophile is in the trap were attracted.

The account that had over three thousand followers and about 50,000 people were in the video before it was deleted. From the makers of the movies is attracted to his own words, ” men, fall into the trap that thinking an event has to have a child.

In the video, the men are confronted with. Often, they tried then to run away, or they were the creators of the movies are targeted.

After the inquiry, The Guardian and the profile will be deleted. According to the TikTok, was in the account, in violation of the rules of the platform. “It is not allowed for the video’s to risky behaviors, encourage, and exalt. Also, we do not allow users to be invited to take part in a hazardous situation.”

the Measures for the safety of the child. TikTok is very popular among teenagers, but it also provides hazards. Last year, a study carried out by the BBC, for example, that a developer ByteDance to a little doing to get the accounts to delete from the older people that have sexual messages to the young people sent to you.

for The last time, TikTok arranged the measures have been taken to be the teenagers on the platform, are safer to maintain. For example, certain hashtags on the TikTok is prohibited. Recently, the company added a feature that allows parents to set their children only with people you know and can talk to it via a private message.

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Date Of Update: 02 March 2020, 08:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: TikTok knew of an Australian account that is suspected paedophiles tracked down – Tekmonk Bio, TikTok knew of an Australian account that is suspected paedophiles tracked down – Kungfutv, TikTok knew of an Australian account that is suspected paedophiles tracked down – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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