
Timothy Chauvin Bio, Age, Wife, Great Chocolate Showdown

Timothy Chauvin Bio, Age, Wife, Great Chocolate Showdown - networth, wiki, biography
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Get to know Timothy Chauvin, one of the contestants on the 4th season of the Great Chocolate Showdown. Hailing from Atlanta, he is putting his baking skill in line for the prize of $50K.

Is he married? How old is he? Who is his wife? Does he have any kids? Find out more as this article proceeds.

Timothy Chauvin On Great Chocolate Showdown Season 4

Timothy Chauvin is one of the 10 contestants in Great Chocolate Showdown season 4. A new season of Great Chocolate Showdown premiered on 5 August 2023. The CW show’s season features 10 aspiring bakers competing for a $50,000 grand prize as they make extraordinary desserts with chocolate as their main ingredient.

After each episode, a contestant is eliminated, until a final episode to determine the season winner. Episodes typically consist of two challenges: an initial “Technique Test” and a “Chocolate Elimination Challenge”. Winners of the skills challenge receive either immunity from elimination or an advantage in the elimination round.

The CW press release read, “In order to survive the competition from week to week and avoid elimination, the chocoholic dessert-makers must dazzle our panel of world-renowned chocolatiers and food expert judges with their delicious, inventive creations. To progress in the competition and avoid elimination, these dessert enthusiasts must captivate our esteemed panel of renowned chocolatiers and expert judges with their mouthwatering and innovative creations.”

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Let the Games Begin is the title of the fourth season premiere of Great Chocolate Showdown. The ten competitors will make a chocolate Tic-Tac-Toe board before entering the kitchen. Those who finish last in the tournament will attempt to advance by “delivering a cake diorama.”

The judges in the show are Steven Hodge, Anna Olson, and Cynthia Stroud.

Tim’s fellow contestants are Meredith Bridges, Atlanta, GA, Mike C., Chicago, IL, Charli, Jacksonville, NC, Ashlee, Baltimore, MD, Jaylin “Raplheal” Williams, Fayetteville, NC, Donna Kim, Langley, British Columbia, Emma Lee Young, Coquitlam, British Columbia, Ally Hrbachek, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and Kristen Alyssia, Jackson, MS.

Timothy Chauvin Career

Timothy Chauvin’s real job is a detective. He works in the police department full-time. Per Timothy’s LinkedIn, he has been a police officer since 2017 before that he worked as a Juvenile Probation Officer for nearly 3 years and also served as Loss Prevention for another six years before that.

As for his baking career, Timothy is in fact new on that front. In fact, he started baking in October 2021 so it has been almost two years now. It all started when he wanted to search for his hobby. Before he found baking, he dabbled in photography and standup comedy among other things.

However, Timothy loved cooking which he has done since his years in college. But his cousin in California who owns a baking business encouraged him to start baking.

One time, Timothy had invited his mom and his mother-in-law for Sunday dinner and he thought it was the perfect opportunity for him to whip something up for them. The first cake he made was chocolate and they raved about the cake all night. He started baking more and the rest was history.

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The specialty of Timothy’s bakery is he makes vegan cakes although neither he nor his family members are vegan. However, his son is allergic to dairy so he started baking vegan cakes. For designs, he takes inspiration from artists and sometimes he comes up with something original himself.

Timothy is the owner of Boss’d Up Baker which specializes in vegan cakes & treats. He writes on the website, “I am so proud that you are considering Boss’d Up Bakery, LLC to satisfy your sweet tooth and/or celebrate your special occasion. Although I am a self-taught baker with lots left to learn, I take pride in each of my vegan desserts. I specialize in vegan custom cakes & treats. I attempt to take every precaution to ensure that every treat is free from animal products and by-products.”

You can also stay connected on Facebook, Instagram (@bossdupbakery), and TikTok where he has 119.9K followers.

Talking about his education, Timothy holds an MBA and completed his undergraduate education in 2009.

Timothy Chauvin Age

As of 2023, Timothy Chauvin is 36 years old.

Timothy Chauvin Wife

Timothy Chauvin is married and is still happily married to his wife Kristen. They got married in 2018 and celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary in 2023. In September 2020, Tim also wished his wife a birthday via a Facebook post.

To briefly share about his wife, Kristen serves in the role of director for an organization.

On his website, Timothy has mentioned he has three kids; two girls and a boy. He wrote on his website, “I am a proud father of three (two girls and one boy). When my son was 9 months we began introducing solid/soft foods. As if it were yesterday, we attempted to feed him yogurt. My son immediately broke out into hives all over his body. After a long night at the hospital, we learned that he was allergic to milk. That was a little over six years ago. Over the years we would attend other children’s birthday parties or events and my son was not allowed to eat the same things.”

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Tim’s oldest daughter turned 11 in 2023.

Timothy Chauvin Height

Timothy Chauvin stands tall above the height of 6 feet 1 inch.

Related FAQs

  • When Is Timothy Chauvin Birthday?

We couldn’t divulge Timothy Chauvin’s birthday.

  • Is Timothy Chauvin On Instagram And Facebook?

Yes, Timothy Chauvin is on Instagram (@bossdupbakery) and Facebook (@bossdupbakery).

  • Where Is Timothy Chauvin From?

Timothy Chauvin hailed from Atlanta, Georgia.

Categories: Biography

Links: Timothy Chauvin Bio, Age, Wife, Great Chocolate Showdown – Tekmonk Bio, Timothy Chauvin Bio, Age, Wife, Great Chocolate Showdown – Kungfutv, Timothy Chauvin Bio, Age, Wife, Great Chocolate Showdown – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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