
Tommy Raskin Wiki, Wikipedia, Cause of Death, Suicide, Husband, Obituary

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Tommy Raskin Wiki, Wikipedia, Cause of Death, Suicide, Husband, Obituary

Tommy Raskin Wiki, Wikipedia, Cause of Death, Suicide, Husband, Obituary – Thomas B. “Tommy” Raskin’s friends and family said they will remember him as a visionary who demonstrated an extraordinary devotion to justice and the truth. He was unflinchingly enthusiastic about helping the world’s underprivileged.

Tommy Raskin Wiki, Wikipedia, Cause of Death, Suicide, Husband, Obituary

Tommy Raskin Bio

NameTommy Raskin
Age28 years
Date Of BirthJanuary 30, 1995
Death DateDecember 31, 2020
BirthplaceUnited States of America
HometownTakoma Park, Maryland, United States

Tommy Raskin Wiki, Wikipedia, Cause of Death, Suicide, Husband, Obituary

Tommy Raskin Measurement

HeightNot Known
Weight5 feet 8 inch
Eye ColourBrown
Hair Colourbrown

Tommy Raskin Wiki, Wikipedia, Cause of Death, Suicide, Husband, Obituary

Tommy Raskin Educational Qualifications

SchoolHarvard Law School
College or UniversityAmherst College
Educational DegreeGraduated

Tommy Raskin Wiki, Wikipedia, Cause of Death, Suicide, Husband, Obituary

Tommy Raskin Family

FatherJamie Raskin
MotherSarah Bloom Raskin
Brother / SisterHannah and Tabitha Raskin
ChildrenSon: Not KnownDaughter: Not Known

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Tommy Raskin Marital Status

Marital StatusUnmarried
Spouse NameNot Known

Tommy Raskin Wiki, Wikipedia, Cause of Death, Suicide, Husband, Obituary

Tommy Raskin Net Worth

Net Worth In Dollars$1 million
SalaryNot Known

Tommy Raskin Wiki, Wikipedia, Cause of Death, Suicide, Husband, Obituary

Tommy Raskin Social Media Accounts

Tommy Raskin Wiki, Wikipedia, Cause of Death, Suicide, Husband, Obituary

Tommy Raskin News

Suuba M. Demby ’22 recalls her teaching fellow Thomas B. “Tommy” Raskin saying, “Shouldn’t we all be doing as much as we can to help those less fortunate than us?” during a section discussion in the renowned Harvard course “Justice” this fall.

Raskin, however, stood apart because, contrary to other people, he not only advocated for the creation of a more just world but also actively pursued it, according to Demby. Because of this, she was “impressed and taken aback by how authentic he was as a person” rather than “surprised” when she discovered a few weeks later that Raskin had donated to Oxfam in the names of each of his students.

Raskin, a second-year Harvard Law School student, passed away on December 31 at the age of 25. According to a family spokesperson, the cause of death was suicide following a protracted battle with depression.

Raskin’s friends and relatives said they will remember him as a visionary who demonstrated an intense devotion to justice and the truth, yet had an easy way of engaging with people that made them feel heard and appreciated. Raskin was unflinchingly enthusiastic about helping the world’s poor, they said.

Raskin’s family and friends understood his desire to improve the world in the same way as Demby did.

In an interview with The Crimson, his father, U.S. Rep. Jamin Ben “Jamie” Raskin ’83 (D-Md. ), noted that college is a period when people do think about moral philosophy and morals. But frequently, these considerations and observations remain academic; Tommy always wanted to be sure he was putting his newfound views into action.

In a heartfelt obituary for their son earlier this month, Jamie Raskin and his wife Sarah B. Raskin—both graduates of Harvard Law School—remembered a young man with “a perfect heart, a perfect soul, a riotously courageous and relentless sense of humour, and a dazzling radiant mind.”

Raskin earned a history major, served as president of the Amherst Political Union, was awarded the Kellogg Prize, and produced “a compelling senior thesis on the intellectual history of the animal rights movement,” according to his parents, who published a memorial to him. Raskin graduated from Amherst College in 2017.

Raskin was a board member of Effective Altruism and a member of the Harvard Animal Law Society in addition to being a teaching fellow this fall for General Education 1171: “Justice: Ethics in an Age of Pandemic and Racial Reckoning”.

Categories: Biography

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Links: Tommy Raskin Wiki, Wikipedia, Cause of Death, Suicide, Husband, Obituary – Tekmonk Bio, Tommy Raskin Wiki, Wikipedia, Cause of Death, Suicide, Husband, Obituary – Kungfutv, Tommy Raskin Wiki, Wikipedia, Cause of Death, Suicide, Husband, Obituary – Blogtomoney

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